View Full Version : Hi I'm Aileen

11-08-11, 00:12
Hi I'm Aileen I'm new here, I have suffered from diabetes since i was two years old and did reasonably well with it until the birth of my first daughter when i was twenty one, then it went completeley crazy i was having hypo attacks and collapsed on several occasions still i tried to continue to go out then 2 years later i found out that i was again pregnant and i remember when i was about 5 months gone i still remember the date was 12th July 2003 i can remember it like it was yesterday, i took a bad attack at a busy super market i collapsed in an aisle and the shop workers etc came and i had to be wheeled out in a wheelchair and i really hurt myself i was bruised the full length of my arms i had bruised ribs a bruise on my head well in a real state, and since that day I haven't really gone out alone I can make it to my mums house which is only a couple of doors down, other than that complete panic sets in and i'm dizzy felling numb etc you get the picture. So now i have three little girls who I can't even take to the park on my own and it makes me feel like a horrible worthless person, the diabetes hasn't improved much since as i actually need an insulin pump and can't get the funding for it. I can go out but only with my husband and only really familiar places, I was on venlafaxine for about 5 years then came off it to try escitalopram( i think thats what it was) but just felt it never done much for me so i came off that too and now i'm managing on no medication through my choice. Anyway i said more than i intended to in my introduction was just hoping it might be nice to talk to some like minded people on here. thanks

11-08-11, 00:14
Hi aileen32

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-08-11, 00:16
Thanks a lot:)

11-08-11, 00:36
Welcome to NMP Aileen,

hope you get all the help and support here that you need on your road to recovery.

I have a friend who has hypo's an awful lot so i can understand where you are coming from, bless you, they are not nice.

If you need any help around the forum feel free to ask.

di xx

11-08-11, 01:11
sounds sawful and i think i feel rotten some days - can't get over you trying to do without medication - good for you. Your little girls i am sure will be fine but having got 3 little grandchildren that i find hard to cope with because of the anxiety i so feel for you. take care.

11-08-11, 01:25
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


11-08-11, 09:44
Hi thanks everyone, Dulcie, I was on medication for about 5 years then when i fell pregnant with my baby girl i stopped it and when the dr represcibed it was a different tablet and i just never really felt that it done anything to help and with the venlafaxine it just made me feel a little out of it. thats really why i'm not on anything now. I think i was looking for a magic pill to cure me and when it didn't happen i just though whats the point in taking it if it doesnt cure me.lol

11-08-11, 12:10

Welcome to nmp :)

11-08-11, 12:19
Hiya welcome to NMP hope you get lots of support and advice as I have...P.S Your puppy is adorable! :)

11-08-11, 13:52
Hi Aileen,

You are not a worthless person, you are just going through a tough time at the moment (& managing an illness) I personally think you're really brave!

Welcome to the site!

Emily xxx

11-08-11, 22:25
thanks everyone, it's good to have someone to understand sometimes i feel like peoples patience wares a little thin with me. The puppies not mine it was just the one i picked from the choices there don't really know how i did it but he is very cute.lol