View Full Version : Gallbladder? Liver? Dieing?

11-08-11, 09:29
I am so scared right now. I have an incredibly full feeling under my ribs like there is something under there trying to push them out of my body. It is affecting my breathing to the point where I can't breathe properly.
I'm also coughing from my throat and bringing up little balls of phlegm, but because i'm finding it had to breathe its hard to cough.
I've had my chest checked out and there is no sign of any infection or virus.

I've got all sorts of things going through my head of dieing soon and leaving my young children without a father.

I am overweight and eat a rubbish diet. Could this be the cause, maybe gallbladder? I just don't know. because of HA I am convinced its something sinister.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

11-08-11, 09:44

Your pain under the ribs could be caused simply by Anxiety (as mine is) and will of course be made more painful by worrying about it.

Gallbladder pain is normally more to the centre right of the upper stomach and can be a result of Gallstones or inflammation caused by stones or excess stomach acid.

I think you have to start looking into this if you are concerned and particularly if your diet is very poor and you are worried about the longterm effect on your children.

Take care.


Hazel B
11-08-11, 21:04
Only your doctor can give you a diagnosis. I have had my gallbladder removed and your symptoms do not fit the pain I had.

Try to accept there is no infection and fight anxiety. You can always ask for more tests if you need to.

Take care.

13-08-11, 00:30
My GB symptoms were not as you described but you but you should discuss it further with your Doctor. If your diet is crap, it could be some GI issues going on.