View Full Version : Struggling with anxiety

11-08-11, 09:44
Heyya everyone,

The last four months ive been struggling really bad with my anxiety its been on my mind 24/7 for four months no lie!! Ive had various symptoms that ive just blown out of proportion. I got lightheaded once and i convinced myself i had a brain tumour leading to me being lightheaded again and again, i was taken for an eye test and it turned out i had eye strain and i was in need of glasses as i was long sighted. I was also told that an eye test can pick up brain tumours because of a pressure build up. So ive had my glasses for a couple of days im feeling better and when im playing my video game my leg jerked i thought it was because i was getting angry and it happened again 1 week later during the game and i thought i was having seizures (muscle twitch and jerking began) then 3 weeks ago i had one of my normal headaches and i convinced it was brought on by a brain tumour and ever since then i have been experiencing a mild sharp pain in my head that comes and goes which can also go into my face and jaw. I know these are all 99% likely to be caused by anxiety. Can anyone suggest any good methods for beating anxiety without going doctors and being put on meds? Any help appreciated :) thanks

Gemma T
11-08-11, 12:40
Most pains are caused by muscle tension, this inc the head.

If your playing shooting games you prob shouldnt. Your anxiety will increase as you get in to it.

You can try saying in your head what you see, hear, smell, feel and taste. Do it again and again each time picking something new. Your shifted focus should help calm you down.

Even punch a pillow if it helps x x x

11-08-11, 14:07
Hi toms94,

You just said it yourself - 99% of you knows it is anxiety, but it's hard to be rational when you're panicking!
Anxiety causes all sorts of vile & uncomfortable symptoms..including headaches & muscle twitches. It's all built up tension.
I was like you & convinced I had a brain tumour but it turned out I needed glasses for the computer. I understand it's hard to get something out of your head like that, esp when you suffer from HA, but you have to distract yourself from it.
If you're anything like me a new symptom will then develop when you stop thinking about the old one, but I have to laugh at myself...that's how I get through.

You will be ok.

Emily xxx

12-08-11, 11:43
Thanks for your replies guys really appreciated i am happy to say that im starting to think positively and my symptoms are slowly reducing, having spoken to alot of people they didnt seem to be concerned about my symptoms because of the fact that i have anxiety, i mean if i didnt have anxiety then there would be a reason to be concerned.

Tom xxx

12-08-11, 11:51
Oh well that's good!
Keep being positive...you will get there x

18-08-11, 13:23

Just thought id let you know i went to my doctors and she was very helpful and said my symptoms were just random things that didnt add up. But there is just one more things im concerned about, a little thing happened which everyone says is perfectly natural but im convinced i blacked out (seizure worry)i was doing some voluntary work at a school at and was watching a play, i was extermely bored,tired and hot, all of a sudden it felt like i slept for literally 3-4 seconds, as we all i have anxiety issues so i felt a bit lightheaded for around 10-15 mins before (normal for me) and had woke up a bit lightheaded, this was like 1 month ago when i was really stressed and when i used to sleep on a night i used to feel lightheaded when falling asleep and when i woke up, i had a bit of a panic attack for a minute or two then i felt quite refreshed, what to you think? All my family says i just slept and im starting to think that im making a mountain out of a mole hill, i mean it hasnt happened since then