View Full Version : Hey

11-08-11, 10:21
Hey, my name is Graham and im 21 years old. i usaually like having a few drinks a week and going out at the weekend to enjoy myself and have good times :). and within the last month or so i havent been able to do anything. I cannot go out at night time and public transportand places like bars and nightclubs terrify me now and i don't know why. this has happened years ago but i didnt have a job and just lived with my mother so i stayed in and lived on xbox. now i live alone and need to pay rent obviously so taking the time off work isnt doing me any favours and also i need to try hard and keep attendance at an acceptable level to maintain my job and my house. there is nothing thats triggered this and i cant even think of anything troublesome that could have brought this on. the doctors tell me i have panic disorder which is depressing the life out of me. i have been perscribed propranolol 80mg s/r and fluxodetine (sorry about my entire spelling and grammar btw im terrible at writing :/) i was oringally on 40mg propranolol but i couldn't feel any effect so they upped the dose and now ive been on 80mg for a week and i feel a bit calmer but still have these panic attacks over the stupidest thing and its sooo restrictive on life as my friends are out having good time.. and im just NOT lol. I have read through posts from everyone here and you all seem in great spirit and just really helpful. it would be nice to see it from your point of view and have your experience with this etc but i just want it to go away ASAP so i can get back to normal. but reading a few posts lead me to believe that this isnt going to be a quick fix and this just makes my overall mood even worse. bad times. sorry if i sound negative because i know alot of you are very postive but if you understand im going from one lifestyle and being outgoing to nothing.. and its just not good. im sure some of you have probably felt the same way if not all of you because im sure no one likes to be like this. i found this website by accident when i was looking for information about my medicine. im amazed there is other people that have this. i honestly havent heard of this before and don't know anyone else that has it to talk to. my friends are also not very supportive as they think im using it as an excuse to send them to tescos for me to do my shopping and also a reason to ditch them and not go out on the weekend.. sorry for the rant and terrible grammar/spelling i just needed to get that off my chest.

nice to meet you all :D


11-08-11, 10:25
Hi Reaper

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-08-11, 12:08

Welcome to NMP :)

11-08-11, 13:43
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


11-08-11, 13:49
Hi Graham,

Welcome to the site.

Don't apologise for being negative, I was like you a few months ago. It's only natural to despair about it, it's very frustrating.
If anything, you really need to take some of the posts you have been reading into account though....people on here have been through hell & come out the other side & you can too.
You need to believe in yourself though, one step at a time.

Keep posting!

Emily xxx