View Full Version : hi im new here and very worried about myu health

11-08-11, 13:09
hi all, currently think i have parkinsons disease even though im quite young, have had all tests and scans but the way i walk, talk, move around seems very parkinsonsey. and my posture is very bad, have develpoped social anxiety and hate going out during the day, avoid long journeys and crowded places and have distanced my self from most friends. all i do is sit around at hoime and constantly think, have been prescrbed sertraline today and am thinking about wheather to take it or not. hope to share my experience with people on here. again Hi all

11-08-11, 13:11
Hi thinker87

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-08-11, 13:13
thank you. just browsing through and noticed dr google thread, its funny because its so true.

11-08-11, 13:44
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


11-08-11, 13:45
Hi thinker87,

Welcome to the the site!.
I love the Dr Google thread - I think we are all guilty of googling!!!!

You're not on your own. I have had myself dead & buried from all sorts of diseases a number of times but it will get better (& easier to ignore)

Emily xxx

11-08-11, 16:32
can someone point me in the direction of which part of the forums tends to be the busiest? also thank you for your kind words.

12-08-11, 12:13
I suppose if you are worried about your health then the best place to be would be the health anxiety forum?? x