View Full Version : anyone else think they have Parkinsons/Neurological problems?

11-08-11, 16:43
just wanted to know if anyone else is convinced they have parkinsons? i am and have totaley adapted my life to it even to the point to the way i walk around and things like sitting down, i am always reading up on parkinsons websites about the best way to stand with parkinsons or the best way to sit with parkinsons etc etc...its taken over my life for about 2-3 years now. it started with ms because my brother has it and then when the scans came back fine i switched to PD because there is no real test that can prove that, just some sort of scale that they use to measure the dissability. i really want my life back but seems like i have got myself into some sort of vicious cycle. everything i do is centered around parkinsons now, whether im walking, standing, sitting anything. sounds so dumb i know but i find it really hard to explain to docs.

11-08-11, 17:17
anyone with any kind of similar experience? ive tried dragging my self away from the computer but all i end up doing is sittin idle on a sofa, i cant even get comfortable watching tv, always feel restless and short of breath lying down.

11-08-11, 17:25
this is basically the advice i have been following for the last few years without anyones consultation, my body has become used to doing almost everything on this website, if anyone would have a quick look and maybe give me any sort of advise i would really appreciate it, im finding it hard to stop myself from doing these things in certain situations, and am finding it hard to explain to the doc what i am going through. http://www.cnsonline.org/www/archive/parkins/park-03.html

11-08-11, 17:27
There is a couple of people in the chat room if you want to chat.

11-08-11, 17:33
ah, sorry mate, im not allowed in there yet, im still a newbie.lol

11-08-11, 18:00
hi hun

how old r u ??? parkinsons rarely affects people of a young age i dont have this anxiety about it but i suffer from health anxiety ... i no alot about anxiety as my grandad has it ... :) xxx

11-08-11, 18:04
im 23, i know its very rare, but im always thinking about that 0.1 % chance, and im convinced i am having episodes of "freezing" which is quite unique to PD. like i said im in that vicious cycle where i cant get out of the thought process, it rerally sucks.

Kerry B
11-08-11, 20:25
I can understand how you are feeling, I'm convinced i am loosing my memory and I cannot stop repeating my phone number, bank account numbers etc and Its taking over my life and causing me to have Panic Attacks. Its also causing me to have headaches which I then think its all related to a Brain Tumour. i am driving myself mad

11-08-11, 20:27
yes the its exremely annoying and problematic, im still conxidering weather to take these anti-depresents i have been given today.