View Full Version : Weak left arm

11-08-11, 17:00
I don't know how else to describe it...but my left arm feels weird, differnet form my right and not "normal". I was struggling with my son last Thurs (he is 6 and is disabled) my arm felt fine on Friday but on Sat it started to feel weak and tingly- its really hard to describe the exact feeling but I feel like ive lost strength in it.

A few yrs back I had a similar problem with this arm and I convinced myself I had MS - had strength tests at Drs and was told everything ws fine and eventually it went but this feels similar.

I am so scared - do you think its just where ive strained or pulled a muscle in my arm? The muscle at the back of my upper arm is aching but the weakness is in the whole arm :weep:


Neesh X
11-08-11, 20:51
Hi i do hope you get some replies for this one because ive been getting the same and have gone from thinking both extremities from a trapped nerve to an impending heart attack or stroke! Do you have any pain when you take a deep breath in? because i get a sharp pain and that tends to make the tingling feeling in my left arm worse aswell.

Neesh X

11-08-11, 21:03
I can answer this one - you could indeed have a trapped nerve or similar if you have done something to it however anxiety and stress can also have this effect.

years ago I was suffering from a numb/heay left arm - it felt weird and sometimes I felt I could carry to arm else it would dangle down. I was convinced I had MS or similar and was in and out of the doctors sugery. Eventually I was diagnosed with Post Truamatic Stress and I guess my 'heavy aching' arm was a sign of the stress I was under. It took a couple of years for it to feel normal again. Hope this helps

11-08-11, 21:36
Hi, I too have from weakness in my left arm from my shoulder all the way down.

It can be cause buy several things like what has been said a trapped nerve (I learn alot on my left arm my comfy side of the sofa), stress/anxiety also gerd can cause shoulder/arm numbness ( I have no idea how acid reflux can do it but it can).

So days it is as if I cannot lift my arm as it tires out quick, But as it is somedays bad and somedays good it cannot be anything too bad.

12-08-11, 11:54
I get this as well.
I did trap a nerve in this arm many years ago but it has been fine since then & only flared up again recently. I also sleep on my left side & am constantly waking up with dead arm...but anxiety & stress can cause all sorts of aches & pains as well.
I try not to focus on mine too much or I find it feels worse.

Emily xxx

12-08-11, 12:48
Thanks for your replies, so good to hear I am not alone with this problem. I am trying not to focus on it but not doing too well - feels worse when im not doing anything if that makes sense?


12-08-11, 13:37
I have been very tempted to punch myself in the right arm just to distract myself from it lol! x

17-11-15, 11:54
I'm suffering with this at the moment and it driving
Me crazy, 2 doctors have said its nothing but I'm
Pregnant as well so the extra stress is making me so run down