View Full Version : Real hypochondriac, need some reassurance on something I ate.

11-08-11, 17:46
I bought some tzatziki (dip) yesterday and it has been refrigerated and I have unknowingly eaten about half of it today when its use by was yesterday. I'm such a worrier and hate puking and am worried that I'll get food poisoning and be sick. It tasted fine because I didn't know it was 'out of date' until I looked on the packet, I don't feel ill right now. I really need some reassurance, if I was going to get ill when would it happen, when can I stop worrying about it?!

11-08-11, 17:51
I'd stop worrying now........ there's always some leeway with these dates and one day over is nothing to worry about.... you'll be fine!! I've eaten stuff a week overdue with no problems.

11-08-11, 17:53
Thanks, I'm just trying to keep calm, I'm actually a bit peeved that I looked at the date, I just have such a phobia for puking!