View Full Version : first one

11-08-11, 18:50
I'm taking my first one at 10.30 thn gonna go to bed I'm very worried atm :(:(

Gemma T
11-08-11, 18:55
The strange thing about taking medication for anxiety is we tend to get anxious about the effects it may have. A vicious cycle but please do not worry.

You will feel better and hopefully it will give you the will to face your anxieties x x x

11-08-11, 18:59
Thankyou! Just don't wonna have bad side effects :( worrys me the most are u on meds? If so what ones how did they go for u xxx

11-08-11, 19:43
You can get no side effects at all (or some mild ones, keep your fingers crossed:D). Here is the Citalopram subforum so i guess you are taking it, what dose?

11-08-11, 20:06
Yea I'm starting off on 10mg taking it tonight but I've got headache already and acid reflux witch scares me anyway and this is scarin me aswell I don't want it to make it worse when my axiety is alrede getting the best of me by thinkin to much again :( are you on them? X

11-08-11, 20:44
10mg is a little dose, don't worry. Even if you get some SEs i doubt they will be so bad. Anxiety will be there unfortunately, these medicines even make it worse in the beginning of the treatment but it won't harm you so no need to worry much. I've been on citalopram several times for the last 8 years (up to 40mg/day).

11-08-11, 20:51
Do you get any side effects att all when u first started? What did u first start on! Ikno my axietys already kicking in :( xx

11-08-11, 21:12
I am one of the 'happy' people not to get some serious side effects:D Maybe some light headache and insomnia for the first several days as well as increased anxiety/nervousness. Every time i started straight on 20mg/day.

11-08-11, 21:25
Oh yeah! I wanna be able to sleep though lol I'm just gonna pick at loads of stuff if I carry on gonna take it soon :( ! Ahhh x

12-08-11, 01:34
Yea I'm starting off on 10mg taking it tonight but I've got headache already and acid reflux witch scares me anyway and this is scarin me aswell I don't want it to make it worse when my axiety is alrede getting the best of me by thinkin to much again :( are you on them? X

Totally like me, I got acid reflux really badly so when I started the citalopram I was also put on omeprazole and that, just like citalopram, is a wonder drug. See if you can get it prescribed.

12-08-11, 02:19
Hi hope your feeling this morning ??
I totally no how you feel taking that first citalopram i think we also get our-selves so so worked up about all the side effects etc i HATED it just the thought of taking them the negative thinking worrying about side effects etc so i had my tablets for about 4 months before i would even take one just from worrying about will i get any side effects i just didn't wanna get the nausea as am emetophobic & when i finally did take it it was an afternoon so i just tried keeping myself busy so i couldn't sit there and think about any sensations i was getting and i was ok then i started getting bad nausea/ head aches / extreme tiredness/ no appetite it was horrible but i just kept telling myself they would soon settle ( which they did) and that i would start feeling fine again am now onto 40mg and am doing alot better its just the first week or two till your side-effects settle down & you will thank yourself that you finally started them x x

12-08-11, 12:51
Totally like me, I got acid reflux really badly so when I started the citalopram I was also put on omeprazole and that, just like citalopram, is a wonder drug. See if you can get it prescribed.

I have had acid reflux for a while and got put on lansoprazole.

In my entire life i have never encountered another medication for anything that works so instantly and so comprehensively.

Months of acid reflux problems before taking it. None whatsoever after, pretty much from the first tablet.

12-08-11, 14:13
what did u feel like on ur very first tablet?xxx

12-08-11, 14:27
It made me feel more anxious, but it's nothing too horrible, really, and it has passed already after a few days.

The important thing to remember is that not everyone gets bad side effects and lots of people don't get any side effects at all - certainly reading this forum, that's the impression I get.

Try not to worry too much about it x

12-08-11, 14:38
im DEFO taking it tonight no matter what! xwhat was ur first pill like x

Gemma T
12-08-11, 15:23
Im not taking any meds for my health anxiety or depression x x x

12-08-11, 16:16
im DEFO taking it tonight no matter what! xwhat was ur first pill like x
You SHOULD do it, nothing bad can happen, just hang on.

12-08-11, 19:47
I was scared too of taking my first Citalopram table because of all the side effects as a result i kept the tablets for about a month before i took one. I took it about 9pm and after a couple of hours i started feeling very anxious in bed. I only slept for a couple of hours that night and the whole of the following day i had a big headache. During the next few days i lost my appetite and could not sleep at night...also i had shortness of breath...i never experienced that before...anyway during the next month because of the sleeping problems i changed the time i took the tablet from the evening to the afternoon and now the mornings. Deff works best for me taking it in the mornings as now i can sleep, also i take the tablet with food which avoids any nausea. I have been taking 10mg for nearly 4 months now and feel much better. I do dream a lot more than i ever did before not sure if that is a side effect....i did feel extremely tired when i first took cit but that has gone now too. Good luck with taking your first tablet and remeber the quicker you take it the quicker you will start to feel better again. Yea you may get some side effects but these usually go away after a couple of weeks.

12-08-11, 19:52
i rally wanna take it i dont wanna go DIZZY thats my fear :( cuz when i go dizzy i automatically think im gna pass out then i start panicing :( im still so scared.

12-08-11, 23:35
Hi lea,

I used to take Citalopram in the morning and it used to leave me feeling like I had hit the bottle or something and led to me falling asleep at my desk. Any medication is a scary thing, but do remember it is there to help and treat you and if you do have any lasting concerns, contact you GP immediately. If after time you are not convinced the medication is working, request a medication review with the GP. :)

10-09-11, 07:26
Hello Lea..
I have suffered EXTREME anxiety and panic for over 7 years med free. I was agoraphobic for 5 of those years, never leaving my house.. I finally got the nerve to go to my DR and he perscribed me Citalopram. Like you I was deathly afraid of the side effects, so I got a pill cutter and cut my 20MG into quarters and taking 5MG to start with.. I have had NO side effects at all starting this way.. I take my meds about noon when I eat.. Even with 5MG I can feel the difference! I feel much better mentally! If you are like me and scared of side effects.. Cut the pill in quarters and work your way up!