View Full Version : E.C.G test help

11-08-11, 21:14
Hi all

What does an E.C.G show doctors. I had one this week because I am having chest pain and pain in my left arm and doctor said every thing was fine but Dr Google says that an E.C.G is only good if you are having a heart attack or angina attack at the time of the test.
So can some one tell me what an E.C.G shows would is show if u have angina it heart probs. I am 30 years old but very over weight 22 stone I am so scared

Thanks mark

anx mum
11-08-11, 21:19
Hi mark plz dont worry ive had many ecgs and they can tell alot about how ur heart is so if anything was wrong it would b picked up

11-08-11, 21:44

We are all replying to your other thread about this so catch up there

11-08-11, 21:50
Hi mark, I have had loads of ecgs done mate and dont trust google to much.

A ecg will show if you have had any damage to the heart in the past. They are a very relaible test

11-08-11, 22:57
If diagnosis health problems was as easy as just googling your symptoms then there would be no doctors! Google is only as good as the search info - if you search a symptom followed by anxiety you get totally different results.

If you have ever had a heart attack then it shows up on ecg always afterwards- I worked at a Drs and one patient had routine ecg and they told him he had had a heart attack many years before probably as the damage to the muscle shows up on the ecg. If you have any of the inherited arythmias like long QT syndrome then that would show up on an ecg etc etc.