View Full Version : :'(

11-08-11, 22:29
Been thinking all day about taking my 10mg tab witch made me very nervous :( I swore to myself I would now I'm sitting here cry gettin hot flushes but I feel cold and I still haven't taken it, I know I need to because I've never dfelt this bad before I'm just so scared of bein dizzy or passing out on them or feeling like I'm dead :( I'm so stressed! I rele wna take it I'm just to scared!:( :weep:

11-08-11, 22:52
Hi lea, I am on day two of 10mg of citalopram. The worst ive experienced is a little nausea a headache (which I have constantly with the anxiety anyway so nothing to lose there) and a bit tired today. I know it takes time for the meds to work but even tho i am only on day two I actually managed to go out for a meal this evening. I know it's probably more psychological (as I know I've taken a tablet to help with my anxiety and panic attacks) a week ago there would have been no way I could sit through a meal in Public, I could barely make it into the local shop!

Hope this info helps you xxxx

11-08-11, 23:14
That's good! Did u take it morning or night? I feel asif I've let myself down:( its good to know your not getting any serious side effects, I'm jus really unsure about when to take them I'm really scared, will u please carry on lettin me no how u feel from day to day? Hope you get better soon xx

12-08-11, 01:29
Just a tip: Until about a month ago I was taking my citalopram at a strict, regular time in the morning with my cup of tea. Since I no longer work, I take my tablet whenever I remember and I don't know for sure if it's related to the medication or my lifestyle, but I am having severe trouble sleeping. I think it's been suggested already that some people find it messes with their sleeping so it can't hurt to take it in the mornings.

12-08-11, 08:17
Hi lea, so far I have been taking it in the morning, however due to the nausea I am going to switch to evenings to see if I can sleep through that.... Will do my best to let u know how it's going day to day

Marie I also read about the trouble sleeping but yesterday I felt very tired after raking the tablet so I'm hoping it may help with sleep! Xx

12-08-11, 09:59
I still haven't had the courage to even take my first one, hardly slept last night :( and now I feel terrible got really bad heartburn feel like I'm not breathing properly :( iknow I need to start these meds I'm still so scared xx

12-08-11, 10:14
take it or u wont improve..you only feel terrible for a wee while if anything.

15-08-11, 11:19
Hi lea

Thought i would send you an udate - i have been taking the meds for 5 days now and no real side effects other than slightly more anxious but i just keep telling myself thats a good thing as it means the meds are working - i know from what ive read on here that it will get better so im keeping that in mind!!!

Not having such a great day but that is due to a panic attack yesterday - nothing to do with the medication, i went out shopping and came home and thought my housemates dog had escaped but it turned out her boyfriend stopped by and took him for a walk!! (at least this is a valid reason for a panic attack unlike all my others that seem to happen out of nowhere!) anyway thats left me a little shaky today but im just telling myself its an adrenaline hangover (i was in quite a state!)

Hope you are doing better - xxx