View Full Version : introducing me

11-08-11, 23:05
Hi. I'm an Aussie OCD/Anxiety sufferer - I've placed my first post in the OCD forum. Totally stoked to find this place, it's the first helpful site I've come across in my 12 years suffering with this dreadful illness.

Totally blown away to find so many people who suffer similarly - and whilst I am not joyous that there are other people suffering the incredible pain and turmoil I suffer daily, it is a relief to know I am not alone.

So here is the run down of what I have to deal with:

Can't hug my kids because afterwards I fear I've abused them.
Can handle kids bumping into me accidentally, because I fear I've abused them.

Occassional fear that I am hurting my partner.

Self diagnosing using google on a regular basis (lol!) But seriously, I have had episodes of chronic worry about health.

Fear around having an affair.

Can't drive over bumps in the road if other people are in the car, because I feel like I've caused the bumps to molest them.

I feel like words I am saying are sexually suggestive, when they are so totally not!

I find it hard to even pat my pets because I feel like I've abused them too!

I have a pretty good understanding of whats going on, and I can laugh about stuff after, but it truly is quite crippling and limiting - I can't work with children at all, because I think it would just send me round the bend - and considering the field I am studying at the moment is welfare, and I am currently doing work placement in a womens refuge, it certainly makes for some anxious time!

I was on zoloft for several years, but found it to no longer be effective, so am currently on effexor - I've been on it for about 3 weeks, but am not noticing any real difference - if anything I feel like the intrusive thoughts are getting worse :(

Huge thanks to whoever started this forum - you are a gem!


11-08-11, 23:06
Hi exhausted

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-08-11, 00:03
Welcome Exhausted!

I have to say, 12 years of this and you managed to keep a great sense of humour! You gotta be one though cookie!

I've been dealing with panic attacks edging on agoraphobia only for 2 years and damn, I feel MY sense of humour going down the drain!

Its very conforting to find other ppl with these struggles, althought as you say I wouldnt wish it upon anyone - just good to know that we are not alone in our poisoned minds.

Google diagnosis... lol... dont we all xD

Anyway, nice to meet you, you strike me as a great personality! See ya around!

12-08-11, 00:10
Hi Exhausted and :welcome: to NMP .I hope you find plenty of help and support here .Glad you found us .Luv Sue xx

12-08-11, 00:15
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process
