View Full Version : GP update

11-08-11, 23:49
Saw gp today - have a fissure that still hasnt healed, going to be referred for botox , has anyone had this?
Also going to have an endoscopy for reflux, not to worried about this but get pain when swallowing and am worried my oesphagus is damaged..
Also to see nurse at hospital regarding polyp in uterus as i have not had this removed and am very scared.
THREE PROBLEMS - very hard to cope with !

12-08-11, 08:02
Never heard of using Botox for that How will it work!
I know people who use Botox for TMJ and also to stop excess sweating.
It might take a few injections , I know it freezes the mucle for a few weeks .

Aw sounds like you've a lot to cope with, I hope your tests go ok x