View Full Version : Fist panic attack. Was terrified :(

12-08-11, 01:26
Hi everyone.
This is the first time for me in the panic attacks forum. I usually visit the health anxiety forum :weep:

I've been worrying on and off for a while about pains in my calf being a dvt and last night it was on my mind as usual. I fell asleep at about 1.30 with a pain in my chest. I tried to be really calm about it, telling myself it is only trapped air, however I woke up half an hour later with the pain again. I sat up to see if I would burp, but I didn't. Moved to the end of the bed, subconsciously thinking 'what if it's the dvt moved up to my lung?' and - BANG! I couldn't breathe. I was terrified I was going to die. I woke my husband up and said I thought I needed to go to hospital, but luckily after a few minutes it subsided and I was just left shaking like a leaf :weep:

I always used to think of panic attacks being hysterical screaming, breathing into a paper bag, etc. I didn't know they make you feel like you're about to die. I was so terrified. I've had health anxiety for 6 1/2 years and have sometimes been in the pits of despair, but never have I been as frightened as I was last night.

Thank you for reading. I feel better for telling people who will understand. x

12-08-11, 05:58
Hey choc,

,Yeah I had my first panic attack two years ago and they haven't gotten any better. It is this feeling of impending death. It feels like you literally can't breath. I have like over 10000 dollars in medical bills from health anxidty and panic.

12-08-11, 08:22
Hi choccy,yes, arent they just terrible,panic attacks?,im a long term sufferer from them as well as anxiety and much else my nervers can throw at me!,grr!.It surley is a feeling of sheer doom,dread,im going to die!!,i mostly wake with the morning anxiety and only yesterday morning,5am,(sleep probs as well),was sat having a cuppa when,Boom,the panic attack was on me before i knew!,that lasted 20mins,i was just calming from it when,Boom,another one,i almost passed out through the addrenalin rush,oh boy was it awfull!,i was that far off getting an ambulance,but gladly it did wear off which they always do but when one is hitting you you think its never going to end and feel its going to kill you,rotten,rotten things hun.we all here fully understand what its like and how you feel,your not alone,talking and sharing about our fears of panic anx ect,is good and theres always someone here to listen and help,hope you feel ok the day,take care.xx.

12-08-11, 10:02
Thanks guys. It means a lot to know others care and understand. xx