View Full Version : Can't control this panic

12-08-11, 02:43
Hi everyone,
I don't feel so alone after reading other peoples experiences and problems on here ! I thought i was the only person not being able to stop being frightened if that makes any sense?
Im a 43yr old woman with a 16 yr old daughter.
I have a privelliged life in the respect that i have no major financial worries,have a lovely Mum and Dad,Mum has Alzheimers and vascular dementia and Dad isn't very well but thats been ongoing and i can easily care for them.I have a patient ,supportive boyfriend and lots of lovely friends.
All my life i have been confident in everything i do but inside i have always felt panicky over anything and everything but been able to bite the bullet and get things done until the last 12 months.

Last year i had a major meltdown over a few moths which had been living in some plaster board on top of my kitchen cupboards .Moths have never bothered me before, but i found a few baby moths and convinced mysel they were breeding all over my house, i threw out my entire kitchen,all the food,cutlery,pans etc.I had everything in sealed plastic bags and was terrified to touch anything incase there was a crawly insect or moth on it.Long story short after 3 wks of madness and waking up every 20 minuites for a boiling hot shower thinking i had things in my hair etc i have managed to keep a lid on it just about until the last few wks.. I found a lump in my breast and had to go 4 tests which i was ok about until i got half way to the hospital..I started vomiting was dizzy,blurred vision,etc.My boyfriend virtually dragged me in.For 2 hours i vomited over 20 times,fainted twice and had 2 nurses constantly in the room with me as my blood pressure was so low and i couldnt breathe.The consultant told me to see my GP for medication to calm me down as i needed more tests and had to go back for a deeper biopsi.I had another major meltdown in my GPs when i went for the medication,couldnt breathe,crying,dizzy etc,She gave me 3 x 10mg chlordiazepoxide and referred me to a councillor but told me to stay home untill i got the apointment to the councillor.I took 2 tabs before i went to the breast clinic and had to take another whilst i was there i had the 30mg in 3hrs and i had a ilttle wobble but handled the situation mainly due to the fantastic nurses who looked after me and were expecting me to meltdown like i had last week so they were prepared and had everythin ready to get the tests done . The 30mg of chlordiazepoxide made me feel "normal",not spaced out or high just normal..No feeling of dred no fist in my chest feeling and i could breathe easily..I haven't felt that peace since i was a child.
Could anyone please tell me if there is any way i can ever feel like that again without taking medication like that ?
Any advice would be sincerley appreciated as it looks like i may have a long road ahead with treatment from the breast clinic ?
Many ,many thanks
Jan x

12-08-11, 02:49
Hi jan777

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-08-11, 11:08
Jan sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time, I'm new on here too unfortunatley I don't really have any answers for you, but i know there are lots of good people on here for you to talk to or just listen, hope things get better soon for you

12-08-11, 16:37
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process
