View Full Version : Checking my pulse constantly and pinching my arm to make sure its not numb

12-08-11, 05:39
I check my pulse more than I dont check it. My partner tells me I'm like talking to a wall because I obsess over my heart beat and I can't go more than a couple of minutes withoutchecking out. I am afraid my heart will stop beating or ill have a heart attack. I can't stop. I pinch my arm to make sure its not numb so I have bruises all over
I can't even go to work or the grocery anymore because I am so terrified. I havd had it checked out already. Probably about 10 times and the doctor says I'm fine but I still can't shake this feeling.

12-08-11, 07:40
Wow :( it sounds like your obssessed with the checking and very consumed by it.
What symptoms and tests have you had?

When my heart was a bit funny, my doc sent me to the ER for tests! I thought I was going to die! Turned out the heart palpiations are normal and harmless.
My doc sent me for a check up because he picked up on them by listening to my heart.

Try and trust your doctor he too would pick up on any issues.

If your hear rate is under 200bpm you are fine!!
Mine has reached 220 while on a treadmill and 150 while having a panic attack,

I think your next step would be therapy to help you with your worries and to retrain yourself not to keep doing all the checking.

Your alive and well, you should be living and enjoying it, not fearing the worst as that fear is robbing you of enjoying life :)

How did your fear start?
Sorry again to hear your suffering so much because of it x

12-08-11, 22:04
I have the same issue. I am constantly checking my pulse. My heart rate is quite fast. I have had two ECG's and everything is fine, but I think my anxiety level increases my heart rate, then I feel the palpitations and worry even more.

Also I check my Husbands pulse when I'm really worried! It's so ridiculous, but I check his against my own which is stupid because Men have slower heart rates anyway.

13-08-11, 07:05
I do this to and on
Having cbt to help. Have you had cbt? X

13-08-11, 07:08
Try getting yourself into something like a puzzle or reading ,dont let yourself check your pulse until you have read a chapter or completed a puzzle.After awhile you will start forgetting to check it. I hope this helps.