View Full Version : Tension neck/shoulders/lightheadedness :(

12-08-11, 11:08
Want to scream!!!! Have had anxiety brewing for a few weeks now and its all coming out in my neck and shoulders, feel totally crap!!! Anxiety is coming from other areas in my life (Not HA related) but it all effects me the same way, it seems like my body can't deal with the overload of anxiety and now my body is really complaining.

What worries me is the cycle of thoughts I have about my bodily symptoms, I have to try so hard not to turn them into HA problems, and start thinking I've got all sorts of things wrong.

The biggest worry at the moment is the neck/shoulder/light-headedness, it comes and goes and I feel weird, almost detached feeling, like i'm spaced out or if I was high (non drug user by the way) i'm pretty sure I've experienced this b4 when anxiety has been high, is this anxiety related?

Any help would be appreciated :):)

12-08-11, 11:24

That could describe my symptoms almost exactly at the moment. I've found exercising shoulders/back muscles seems to help a bit. The spacey feeling I just have to grit my teeth and get through. Its just really tiring isn't it?


12-08-11, 11:34
Thanks lees for reply, Yes its horrible, I hate the sensation it gives, and it does make me feel exhausted wondering when its gonna stop!

12-08-11, 12:39
I'm a terrible sufferer of tension, I've had it for months, it's got to the point now where it hurts to lift my shoulders and my head feels so tight and sore I don't know what to do next, exercising just seems to make it worse.

The spaced out feeling is horribleee.

12-08-11, 18:14
Thanks midnightcalm for post, yes my muscles in my shoulders and neck feel tense, there is no pain there, but they hurt to touch. Also the muscles just where the neck meets the skull at the back of the neck feel sore and tight, its the spaced out feeling that I hate the worse, its awful :( I had a moment today where I felt OK and then got upset about something and it all started again!!!

I just want it to go away!! As i'm getting older my body is getting less tolerable to deal with the anxiety compared to when I was in my 20's, sometimes I don't know how much I can take :(