View Full Version : Veins

12-08-11, 12:13

Im gettin really anxious about my veins. Over the last few weeks i noticed veins in my chest and legs that i'd never noticed before.

I went to the doctor but he said visible veins are normal and its nothing to worry about as they are not varicose or anything.

However i am still noticing more and more veins that im sure i could never see before i started feeling unwell with anxiety.

The palms of my hands and wrists have very visible veins right up to my fingertips and when i compare it to other peoples mine are so much more visible.

Its really worrying me that i have something wrong as i cant understand why they are more visible :(

I have lost about half a stone so wondered if this could have triggered it?

If anybody else has visible veins/ or has noticed an increase in veins with anxiety please please can you comment on this post - i really need some answers.

Many thanks.

14-08-11, 02:29

About a week or two ago I noticed more veins than usual. Freaked me out but I'm trying to ignore it now as I think it is quite normal. It's horrible though, I'm only 24 and because I have pale skin it's even more noticeable! The back of my legs worried me the most, I even had a vein sticking out by my eye but the doctor checked it over and said nothing to worry about. Maybe it could be to do with change in body weight? The first week I took this medication I didn't eat much, but the last couple of weeks, I have a very good appetite! lol. So maybe this sort of change can make them stand out more? I'm not too sure, but I know how you feel. It's all normal it's just a pain!!

14-08-11, 02:37
Yes when you lose weight yiur veins show a little more. I have veains under myeyes and when I lose weight they really show up,and im sure that applies to much of the body. Im afraid to start looking because everytime I do I see things I dont want too lol...take care it will be ok.

14-08-11, 06:23
lol you sound like me, I'm not sure if I could always see my veins or just didn't noticed them before.
If I am active I find my veins are more out there and blue.
I'm also pale and have lost some weight so maybe that makes them more noticeable?

I have veins on my arms that I can see all the way down trough my wrist palms and fingers.
I can also see the veins on my chest and legs and around my eyes too :)

ugh I can even see veins on my hips hahah I'm going to stop looking now!!

I think it's normal though : )

14-08-11, 06:56
Yeah thats why I stopped looking. I see enough in front of me :)

14-08-11, 11:00
my viens stick out more than normal glad others have it.

14-08-11, 13:58
I's glad other people experience this too.
Mishel - i have them in my hands really bad and can see them from my wrists through my palms and down into some fingers.

I've never noticed how visible they were before and cant understand if they have become more visible for some reason or if its because my anxiety is making me spot things more?

Are there any disorders than can cause veins to surface more?

I just cant stop worrying.


15-08-11, 13:46
You sound exactly like me! I've just decided to accept that I'm just a pale, veiny person... However I do think that anxiety has made it much worse, whether I'm just noticing them more or they really have got worse I don't know! I've been told many times theyre nothing to worry about any try not to look at myself in some lights as it makes them look worse - stick to warm lighting! I'm also goin to shove some tanning stuff on tonight to make me feel better, might kick my brain into believing that I'm actually fine!
Hope this helps :) xxx

15-08-11, 13:49
Also, noticed red pin prick dots in random places over me! But been told they're fine too and may be because I'm slightly deficient in vitamin b12! Seems to have gotten a bit better since being on supplements actually!

15-08-11, 21:03
Sorry one more thing, do any of you notice really thin purple kind of colour veins/lines on your wrists?

I cant seem to find anything about it on the internet and i'm worried :(

08-10-13, 18:49
I think it's normal for some of the veins in your wrists to look purple. A few months back I noticed that I could see a LOT of blue veins in my hands and it was freaking me out a bit.

I did a bit of reading online, and the matter is complicated, but to cut a long story short there is nothing wrong with visible and/or blue/purple veins. Your veins and your blood are not "really" blue - they just show up or look strange colours for complicated reasons to do with how light is refracted by your skin on the way in, how it's reflected by your veins, and which wavelengths of light make it back out of your skin. Sorry if this was confusing but it's hard to explain!

What I'm trying to say is that visible/blue veins are basically just an optical illusion and not a thing to worry about. :) Lots of people with fair skin have visible veins.

14-06-16, 22:08
I'm going through this now! Last Friday I noticed in a dressing room the veins in my right arm like especially bicep area were so blue and noticeable. I know they aren't like that usually. Since then I'm noticing all these veins everywhere and I'm paranoid about it. I'm very fair skinned and I know I could see my veins in my wrists and forearms and like top of hands but I know the ones in my bicep are new:( I'm scared of what can cause this and I've thought terrible things.... Sure I've been working out more and it's hot out now but still doesn't make sense. :( were you okay?

20-02-18, 12:53
I am seeing similar. Any updates on this thread please.

21-02-18, 18:38
I am seeing similar. Any updates on this thread please.

This post is really old, I thnk from 2012.. I came across it a couple months ago when looking to see if others have had the same issue as me... I have veins showing through all over my body suddenly over the last 3 or so months.. I have been unable to find answers but still going to the DR trying to figure it out.. I also have other vascular skin problems... Do you? or is it just veins suddenly showing up?