View Full Version : is there anyone like me.

12-08-11, 12:28
im 23 my names ricky i keep putting my fingers down my throat and i can get them quite far now with about being sick. but i can feel something down there which is like it is covered in spots or lumps and even though i breathe fine something in my head says its throat cancer or something thats not ment to be there. i dont know if i have injured my throat from putting my fingers down it all the time.i just want to be normal i have bad o.c.d and panic attacks i just want to meet some like minded people as i feel so alone and down. any comment would be a welcoming one. please help ricky. x

12-08-11, 12:34
You are not alone Ricky. Some of us have different anxieties but we all understand what you are going through.

Not sure about the throat thing. I know a few people suffer with that though. Have you had it checked at the GP?

12-08-11, 12:40
i went to gp the other day and they said all my problems are from anxiety and that as i have been managed to get my fingers further and further down my throat i have only started feeling this it may be very normal but it doesnt feel like it. it doesnt hurt or anything when i eat its just now i know its there i panic.

12-08-11, 13:32
Hi Ricky, I know you will feel so much better being able to talk on here, however much you feel you are the only one feeling as you do you will be surprised tp find you are not alone. The constant checking is one of the most draining parts of HA and is just so hard to stop but even if you can just cut down on it you will feel less anxious, it is a vicious circle.

12-08-11, 13:34
Hi Ricky,

Oh no! We all check things, I check my pulse constantly so you're not on your own!

Emily xxx