View Full Version : want to recover so much!!!

12-08-11, 12:31
Hi all

Having a bit of a tough few days with my anxiety. As usual am very sensitive to heart palps etc but also been feeling a real fear that I am losing control. My husband was talking about the London riots last night and I started to feel anxiety building in me just from that. Why on earth would that be? Please send me some good vibes as I am feeling a bit freaked out! :shrug:

12-08-11, 14:08
thinking of you lots im having a rubbish day with my anixety fingers crossed tomorrow is better for us all x

12-08-11, 14:17
God that is enough to make anyone anxious, you're not alone hun!

Buy some new shoes - that will cheer you up.

Emily xxx

12-08-11, 20:25
Thanks for replying. It's always good to know that you are not alone. Everyday I say that tomorrow will be a better day! One day I know that will be true.

Turned my day around a little. Went to see GP this morn and got referred for 24 hour ECG so hoping that that may finally put mind at ease. Then I went riding with a sympathetic friend which did ease my anxiety a little so it wasn't all bad in the end!