View Full Version : hi all i just so badliy need to chat with peeps like myself

kate 4481
12-08-11, 14:59
hi names kate and i hope iam doing this right i just need to chat to peeps like myself this is so heard not having the best day having panic attacks and trying not to just need someone to tell me iam not mad thanks

12-08-11, 15:00
Hi kate 4481

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-08-11, 15:14
Hi Kate,
Theres no right or wrong way when it comes to this site, its fantastic and can really help you. have a read in personal stories and self help down the left hand side of page, it really comforting to know your not alone and def not mad!! We've all believed that at some point tho. I was in a really crappy place 12 months ago when i first joined but feel loads better now, give it time and be patient, dont expect panic to disapear over night just try to except that this is the way you are at the mo but it wont last for ever.
hope you feel a bit better,
Charlotte x x

12-08-11, 15:16
Hi Kate and welcome...:flowers:

You are not mad, I promise, and you are not alone if that is any comfort to you. Loads of us here suffer with the same horrendous panic and anxiety (me for one!)

It does make you feel like you are going insane though, I know, but it is purely that your mind is super stressed and anxious and that is what causes the panic feelings.

You will find a ton of info on this wonderful site about panic attacks and coping methods and loads of other useful info.

You can get through this!

Big hug to you.x:welcome:

12-08-11, 15:33
Hi Kate,

Welcome to the site!

You are not mad...otherwise every single one of us on here would be too.

I was absolutely terrible a few months ago but thanks to this site & all the lovely people here I am on my road to recovery.

You will get there, stay strong!

Emily xxx

12-08-11, 15:42
Hi Kate, welcome.... don't worry, we all have mental health like we have physical health, sometimes things go a little off balance for people and the way I see it is, it's just a question of finding the best way to regain your equilibrium - storms always pass and bring new sunshine ^_^

12-08-11, 16:29
Hi Kate, welcome!

Be absolutely reassured that you are not going mad! Relief! :) Its a hard illness to deal with, when the ppl who surround you (even if they try hard) can't give you much support cos they have no idea what you're going throught. BUT that is over for you, for here you will find all the support you want, and we all understand and know too well what you are feeling!

12-08-11, 16:38
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


kate 4481
12-08-11, 16:42
thank you to all xxxxx

kate 4481
12-08-11, 17:01
right now i cant go out the front door / so this chat room is helping i cant thank you enuf for all your help xx

kate 4481
12-08-11, 17:06
iam just so tierd dident get much sleep last night but may be thats a good thing i may get to sleep to night