View Full Version : full of wind!!!

12-08-11, 17:25
I'm sure I never used to suffer from this before I suffered from stress and anxiety, but now it just won't seem to go away! It has been coming and going (mostly coming) for the past few weeks. I will usually have diarrehoa at the weekend and the rest of the week I will be constipated, but its the trapped wind that makes me feel like I'm gonna pop which is really started to worry me now. I haven't changed my diet at all, but I have started to eat probiotic yoghurts in the hope they will help. I bought some wind settlers today but they haven't worked. Does anyone else suffer from this often and how do you cope with it. I can't help thinking it must be something serious, as this is not something that I'm prone too. Just someone to talk to in the same boat would help a lot I think xx

12-08-11, 17:36
Hi MVP123, Yes i suffer from the dreaded trapped wind and sometimes for me it gets pain full. I use bisodol around 2.50 for a 100 tablets (I chew 2 when needed and not long after i am burpin like a trooper).

Also if you find that you are getting pain with the bloating try kneeling down at the foot of the bed or sofa and just lean forward stickin you bum up and belly down seems to help me in relieving the pain and helps with the wind. Strange but true.

Good luck

12-08-11, 17:42
PEPPERMINT TEA... is a muscle relaxant, so it relaxs the stomach sphincter and really helps with wind + stomach cramps etc :yahoo:

12-08-11, 23:33
Sounds like my last 20 years! Think about if you have been eating a new brand of something or added something to your diet that you don't always eat a lot of. Avoid gassy vegetables, broccoli, beans, cabbage etc for awhile and see if that helps too.

Been having a lot of anxiety the last few weeks as well? Just thinking you could be taking in a lot of air as you begin to breath faster.

If you don't have anything else going on, don't let the gas scare you and especially since you aren't one to have regular bowel movements. Our bodies do change and just because you haven't had it before doesn't mean you can't have it now. Probably why old people walk around passing gas out loud a lot :roflmao:!

13-08-11, 07:00
Pepper mint tea warm baths and rennies do windeeze chews you get them in boots there fab x

13-08-11, 07:13
Probably why old people walk around passing gas out loud a lot

Hahahaha Davinci817 .....you are a riot.....maybe we do it to spite younger whipper snappers like you:) But seriously gas hurts and is bothersome so if you got to pass wind why suffer:))))))((