View Full Version : I really need a helpline

12-08-11, 18:25
Hi, my anxiety is out of control, i am in tears all the time and i cant deal with this stress and sadness anymore, i just cant copes.

I have rang up samaritans which were helpful but i need to call someone else who is more educated in the matter. Please help i need so much help and i amd not getting it :'( thankyou x

12-08-11, 18:34
Nopanic have an anxiety helpline 0808 808 0545

12-08-11, 18:34
You could try the No Panic helpline and it may be worth getting on there telephone recovery course as well - which is 12 weeks long I think.

They will understand probably more so than the Samaritans

12-08-11, 18:35
Haha Mike we were posting at the same time

12-08-11, 18:57
thankyou for your help.

What is the recovery program? Do you know what they do? and how it works. Thankyou x

12-08-11, 19:00
Try this:


12-08-11, 20:32
None of the helplines are picking up or are closed *sigh* :(