View Full Version : Another stupid heart thingy! Anyone get this?

12-08-11, 21:41
Hi all, well basically after physical exersion or in the middle of a panic attack I'll get fast heart rate. Okay that's fine and I'm used to it. However recently I've noticed when taking my pulse that my pulse rate will alternate from a fast heart rate to a slowish heart rate for a few beats then back to fast. Scared now after googling (duh) that I've got tachy-Brady syndrome which is a variation of sick sinus syndrome. However I'm really hoping that this is just caused by panic and adrenalin. Any thoughts? Cheers all for your continued support! xx

12-08-11, 22:09

12-08-11, 22:48

12-08-11, 22:56
Hi Lucy

Sorry I can't help on this one but didn't want to ignore you.

eight days a week
12-08-11, 23:36
I have tachycardia. My heart skips in and out of different rhythms occasionally - sometimes it's due to something (stress or an event) and sometimes it just happens. It used to scare the life out of me, so I got my GP to refer me to a heart consultant and was given the all-clear, but told that stress and anxiety can make it flare if you're prone to it.

I wasn't surprised because my family all have heart troubles to some extent, but at the same time I was glad to get it cleared up that everything else was OK, and even though my tachycardia was very unsettling in my case it's nothing at all to worry about.

I was put on beta-blockers and now my heart seems steady and the odd heartbeats only come on a rare occasion, which is very nice.

So I thoroughly speaking to your GP and getting tests if you are concerned at all, if only for complete peace of mind that if there is something wrong they will know about it and be able to give you the right meds or whatnot :)

12-08-11, 23:58
Thanks both. I may mention it to gp when I see her next, just for peace of mind.

eight days a week
13-08-11, 00:10
Thanks both. I may mention it to gp when I see her next, just for peace of mind.

Definitely mention it, just for that - peace of mind!! You deserve it :)

13-08-11, 16:05
Anyone else with anything similar? x

14-08-11, 22:28

14-08-11, 23:21
It is very common for you heart rate to drop and rise slightly with your breathing especially when stressed or after exercise. It is classed as a normal rythmn and not dangerous in any way

15-08-11, 03:13
Hmm I wasn't ever offered beta blockers for my tacycardia , do they make much of a difference?
I can't even move wiyh my heart speeding up, and always feeling like I ran up a flight of stairs.
Ya my heart goes fast , slow all the time

29-08-11, 22:00
Eight days a week, can I just ask what beta blockers you are on? I'm on propranolol and they are doing nothing for my ectopics or tachycardia?