View Full Version : Hard risen bit in roof of mouth?

12-08-11, 22:33
Ok where the soft and hard palate meet i can feel this hard risen bit. It feels like an extended bit of hard palate in the soft palate area. It feels like it's shaped a bit like a hammer head and feels like it's symmetrical. Is this normal?

13-08-11, 13:07

13-08-11, 13:27
sounds normal to me...have you had some hot food or a sharp piece of food wedge into the area. This has happened to me on numerous occassions.

13-08-11, 13:46
I have also had lumps in my mouth espicially after hot food!! It does sound normal..

13-08-11, 16:55
i used to notice that too!!, i was looking for something else to worry about

13-08-11, 17:33
i used to notice that too!!, i was looking for something else to worry about

I'm not sure whether it is supposed to be there and whether it has always been there? It don't feel like a lump because it's too flat and hard. It feels like hard palate that has extended to the soft palate area. It's feels perfectly symmetrical so i'm guessing it's bone of some kind.

13-08-11, 17:34
It's not causing me any pain or discomfort so i guess i should just stop worrying about it.

13-08-11, 18:17
you could just be feeling the bone behind the soft tissue? i used to notice two tiny lumps, both at opposite end of my palate, where the bone ends and the soft tissue begins. and it really ate away at me for like 2 months, u have to stop the cycle of thinking,


ders a good self hypnosis video, it more just really relaxing!:D

Gemma T
14-08-11, 19:34
I believe i have exactly what you are talking about. If you were to look in the mirror the area reminds me of the tips of two fingers. The tip on the one on the left normally swels and goes down but has been up since last saturday now. The roof of my mouth is a little sore and this on top of my other oral health issues have led me to believe its cancer. Im going mad over here.

18-08-11, 13:35
I believe i have exactly what you are talking about. If you were to look in the mirror the area reminds me of the tips of two fingers. The tip on the one on the left normally swels and goes down but has been up since last saturday now. The roof of my mouth is a little sore and this on top of my other oral health issues have led me to believe its cancer. Im going mad over here.

Yeah i just looked in the mirror and i can't see any lumps but is a bit like what you described. The best i can describe it as 2 grooves that go inwards right where the hard palate and soft palate meet.

This is one of my major anxieties at the moment and i am constantly worrying about it and i am forever rubbing it with my tongue and the tip of my finger.

Gemma T
18-08-11, 13:40
I really wouldnt worry. What are the odds of us both having exactly the same thing and it being sinister. Our of every 100 cancers diagnosed 2 are oral and those who have it tend to be over 60.

When i see the specialist i will ask them about this and let you know what they say. I truly dont believe we should worry.

Is yours permantely one size or does it fluctuate?

18-08-11, 13:43
Thank you for the reassurance. I first noticed it about a week or 2 ago and to my knowledge has not changed shape or size.

Gemma T
18-08-11, 13:49
I really wouldnt worry then. You should probaly go to the dentist anyway though. Not for any other reason then the fact that we should all go. A dentist can tell a thousand things by looking in your mouth.

I say approach it like this. Let him examine you. He'll most likely make no comments and you'll prob get a teeth cleaning and thats all. Then ask him about your concerns. Im sure he'll say its normal anatomy. If he dont point it out first theres obviously nothing to worry about x x x

18-08-11, 13:51
I went to an oral specialist in June about my Geographic tongue and i'm sure if something was wrong he would have noticed, he did have a good look inside my mouth.

Think i will go dentist anyway to put my mind at ease.

Gemma T
18-08-11, 14:01
Oh yeh he would have had a good look around. Geographic tongue is tough to live with. Drags all your attention to your mouth.

Might as well go dentist. Think its 17.40 if you see an nhs dentist or free if you sign on and that x x x

18-08-11, 14:04
Yeah the Geographic tongue is one of the things that started my major anxiety. It's not a text book version of it, i mostly only get it on the sides of my tongue and it looks like streaky white lines and circles. I won't mention some of the things i read online that i thought it could be. lol

Gemma T
18-08-11, 14:07
lol oh im sure ive read about them. My research is thorough. Maybe too thorough x x x

18-08-11, 14:38
Just go to the doctor if you're so worried about it...I'm sure it's nothing serious though..

18-08-11, 17:28

I have the same, never noticed it until a couple of months ago, after i burnt the roof of my mouth eating, and a tiny blister came up beside the lump, I was worried sick at first, kept rubbing it, was convinced it was some thing nasty, after a few days the blister went, still worried about it, I think its what a dentist would call a torus, I've stopped worrying as much now, i am going to ask my dentist to have a look at my next check up, it hasn't got any bigger, I wouldn't worry to much :) x