View Full Version : Muscle Aches/Pins & Needles/Serious Illness etc...

08-05-06, 10:25

There have been a lot of people on here posting issues about feeling numbness, tingling, dizzy and other stuff. Some of the symptoms being attributed to more serious illnesses etc...

I was wondering if any of you have considered you might just be in the grip of a bout of hyperventilating [it can last for a long days too - mine seems to have lasted for months!]

Click the link below, I think it will offer a lot of comfort and reassurance to people [it did for me].


Keep well,

It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS.

08-05-06, 14:55
Another link too...


Hope I'm not being irritating here! :) I've just found this really interesting. It seems to tie in with a lot of things mentioned on here. I found it all a real comfort.

It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS.

08-05-06, 20:33
graham your not getting irrate at all, anything that helps is welcome. many of us now agreee that we hyperventialte most of the time and i for one will be looking at both these sites.



08-05-06, 21:32
Thank you Graham, some very interesting reading there.

Cath x