View Full Version : Over 50 ? Please Help Me Understand Aging?

13-08-11, 03:04
Hi everyone,

I have tried to just keep to myself these last couple of days but thought about most of my issues are mostly age related,so I thought I would appeal to hose over 5o to please help me out here,since the admin hasnt seen fit o give us a forum of our own ,which is ok,but I really need some input. I have been reding lot of self help books lately about anxiety ,aging and relieving stress from both.

It is my hopes that this thread will be around ahwile please help me to help myself and others.Its just been about five or six yers that I have relly found out that im old and I.cant comfortably do the things I use to.I guess the things that I am encountering is making me anxious although they are a product of mostly an aging body that I didnt know ai had up until a couple of years ago. Funny thing is that it has taken me a few years to realise that im not the young guy I used to be. So I would like to list my typical pains and aches here and like to encipourage others over 50 to do the same so we can compare notes. Please help me with this. The following is a list of things that im encountering as I am aging.

I wake in the morning my chest muscles are tight ,they stay like that most of the day.I walk everyday but cant walk forever like I used to.I usually can only manage a half mile a day.My eyes aee not as clear as they used to be. I have oroblems focusing in low light situtatios. Even with reading glasses my eyes have trouble with small print .Also I get alot of weird sparks from time to time during the day and sometimes I get a flickering sensation in my right eye.In other words my eyes are aging.

I get muscle twiches on the sides of my head and forehead alot like something crawling around in my hair. I get real bad spasms in both feet at night like fingers moving around and then a needle shooting pain where the spasms are. I also jerk in random places in my body when going to slleep. I used to only bolt upright but now both hips will jerk together or my shoulders will jerk or just random jerks. I use my right arm to type alot and it aches from holding it up so long. and becomes weak. My right chest musle feels permantly tight.

I get pains in my chest very random sharp pains and I have noticed I have large eposed veins under my eyes. My right arm lately seems to have developed a crepe paper texture like a person 80 or 90.This happened just overnight it seems but maybe not. The skin makes mr think maybe my arm is going to just deterorate in front of my eyes. My left one has old skin but not nearly as bad. All of my muscles all over seem to get weak when I start carrying things and at the end of a half mile my muscles feel as though they are just going to quit.

My face is looking pretty much like one of those (rugged) guys from the movies. I look like one of the tough guys that scares the hell out of everybody. Basically what im saying i you can see every wrinkle and every flaw that I ever had. My hair is long but thinned and white and im balding quickly from the forehed back so when I put my hair in a pony tale I look like Ben Franklin but not quite as chubby but the again I do have the tripple chin that is hidden by a white beard. Ughhhhhhhh. Anyway I have probaly forgotten something but Im asking you all to please contribute here your complaints about your aging and your aches and pains and anything you would like to.

Its just a way of saying we are all in this together. Thanks in advance!:) Michael

13-08-11, 03:49
I almost forgot. Neck bothers me alot aching feeling like its not in place and also lower back pain and spasms of the large muscle groups although this better since exercising:)

13-08-11, 04:30
Hi I'm over 50 too. 56 this month.
I asked about a site for ages groups too, but no reply on that.

13-08-11, 04:33
Hehehe you forgot to post your aging complaints lol

13-08-11, 04:49
Well.... the dentist tells me my gums are receding...aging.
The eye drs. says my eye fluid is separating....aging.
I waiting for the anxiety to be gone, so I can see how I really feel without it as far as enegy is.
Yes, skin is thinner so more is noticable like veins, wrinkles, and age spots.

13-08-11, 04:56
Argh....thats amother thing I forgot:) Teeth,,,geez mine are terrible and I havent been to an eye doc in ten years so....hmmm ...anyway thanks for sharing now if I can get the other beyond 50 to chime in it would be nice:)

13-08-11, 07:43
Oh yeah,forgot about those excrutitaing side stiches. Please dont let this thread die?

13-08-11, 09:28
I think you've got a bit of an obsession about aging Michael lol!!............. I would have thought setting up a group for people to feed off other peoples age obsessions would be very inadvisable and add more things for you to obsess about! People of all ages experience your various aches and pains and being in your midfifties is certainly not old....... even if my kids think it is!! Personally, I think you need to take up some regular exercise....... swimming or cycling perhaps........... and get yourself a bit fitter ...... hopefully, all these minor aches/pains will disappear!! I'm 57 and try and do a good hours hard cycling every day........ also still working as a gardener so that helps me keep fit.

13-08-11, 22:10
Well thank you Dr Geoff!!! What a slap in the face??? I get on here try to be supportive to others and pour my soul out in a post trying to find out in good nature how everybody else is handling things and to see what they feel and you and one other are the only people that answer me and say this!!!!!! I do have an exercise program and I work very hard at it. I also have many ither interest besides age. I just thought it would be fun for the people my age here to get together and ound off in a post. But suppose youwould rather talk about first word last word or what song are you listening to or how someonespoo looks like because there are tons of responding post to them. Forget it sorry I took the time to post.Im glad you are doing so well at 57 ..Here here hallauah!! Geoff is doing great at 57!!! Maybe we can all respond to that. Thanks for making my day!!!!

13-08-11, 22:18
Lucky Geoff ...:yahoo:

13-08-11, 22:31
He looks good for his age too :roflmao:

Michael - I'm sure there will be other posters (helpful ones). We'll keep the thread going in the meantime :D

13-08-11, 22:44
This made me laugh ..so true though ..:D


A for arthritis,
B for bad back,
C is for chest pains.
Perhaps cardiac?

D is for dental replacements and decline,
E is for eyesight--can't read that top line?
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas (which I'd rather not mention.)
H high blood pressure (I'd rather have low)
I for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, that now fail to flex
L for libido--what happened to sex?

Wait! I forgot about K!
K is for my knees that crack when they're bent (Please forgive me, my Memory ain't worth a cent) ?
N for neurosis, pinched nerves and stiff neck
O is for osteo- and all bones that crack.

P for prescriptions, I have quite a few
Give me another pill; I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasiness. Wine or flu?
R is for reflux-- one meal turns into two

S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears?
T for tinnitus--I hear bells in my ears.
U is for urinary: difficulties with flow
V is for vertigo, that's "dizzy", you know.
W is worry, now what's going 'round?
X is for X ray-- and what might be found.
Y for another year I've left behind
Z is for zest that I still have my mind!

Have survived all the symptoms my body's deployed,
And kept twenty-six doctors gainfully employed!

13-08-11, 23:09
I'm 63 how do you think I feel

13-08-11, 23:11
I'm Fine, How are You?

There's nothing the matter with me,
I'm just as healthy as can be,
I have arthritis in both knees,
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.
My pulse is weak, my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
All my teeth have had to come out,
And my diet I hate to think about.
I'm overweight and I can't get thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
Arch supports I need for my feet.
Or I wouldn't be able to go out in the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm all right.
My memory's failing, my head's in a spin.
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
The moral of this as the tale unfolds,
Is that for you and me, who are growing old.
It is better to say "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let people know the shape we are in.
I'm fine, how are you ?

13-08-11, 23:20
Suzy you and Mel made me smile and laugh (thsnk you):) The poems are cute but I suppose the last one is true,its best to say im fine how are you!:) Thank you again and thank you Mel.You both are very much appreciated!

13-08-11, 23:30
Your Welcome Michael ..its good to laugh ..:yesyes:..t.c Luv Sue xx

13-08-11, 23:40
Sorry but I didn't create an over 50 forum as then people will want an over 40, an over 30, an under 20 etc etc.

I think we have too many sub-forums as it is so things will stay as they are.

You are more than welcome to keep this thread going though so the over 50's can reply and add to it.

13-08-11, 23:43
Actually I understood the reasons for you not doing that and trying to give reasons for the existence of this thread to keep possibly going. No worries Nic really... just trying to explain to others the importance of me trying to keep this where people can see it. Thanks

13-08-11, 23:53
Nic ,another reason I wanted this thread to keep going ,its nice to interact with people around your age everyday,people that have the same issues and are your age,not that I mind helping younger people its just nice to meet others around my age so I know who is who and it might be great for others to know who are over 50 too :)))

13-08-11, 23:59
Well Michael you are more than welcome to keep this thread going and more will add to it in time I am sure.

14-08-11, 00:03

14-08-11, 00:35
You take care Michael and thanks for the hugs.

14-08-11, 02:07
Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael:ohmy::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am 54 soon:noangel::noangel::noangel: I can't walk as far as I used to although I gave up smoking nearly 2 years ago! I can't get through me exercise tape anymore like I used to. Me knees crack and complain when I crouch down. Me back is killing me, me bowels think it's a hay day and me bladder is so weak I pee 40 times a day!!! I have 3 different pairs of glasses, one for everyday mid distance, one for reading and one for computer! I have gained loads of weight and was always slim, so it's poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noangel::winks: I sleep about 5 hours a day longer than I used to and I still feel tired!

Hey............................now uve depressed me even more:whistles::whistles::whistles:


14-08-11, 02:12
Lol....Ive depressed you? lol...nah upyou are always ready to help,thanks for sharing and chimming in...you are a jewel:)

14-08-11, 04:33
I'm 58 and all my aches and pains relate to motor bike and car injuries.
I wear glasses but still have brownish hair (little bit of grey creeping in)
I still ride bikes and consider myself reasonably fit.
As my 81 yr old mother says - you're only as old as you let yourself feel and I certainly don't feel or act my age.
My only complaint is that I can't get rid of the weight I put on while on anti D's even though I gave them up ages ago.
Phill :shades:

14-08-11, 04:59
I tried the only as old as you feel lol,but it seems that age had an eye opener fir me so I guess it took me and slapped me and said,hey you are old lol....But sotrue,I think those tht say that still feel the way we do,they just keep it inside how they really feel.Wow if you are just now getting a little gray creeping in thats wonderful.Yeah my metabolism has slowed wy own but im losing a little here and there and I think my walking is doing it but then again Zi dont eat like I used to. Thanks for posting Phil

14-08-11, 09:34
Well thank you Dr Geoff!!! What a slap in the face??? I get on here try to be supportive to others and pour my soul out in a post trying to find out in good nature how everybody else is handling things and to see what they feel and you and one other are the only people that answer me and say this!!!!!! I do have an exercise program and I work very hard at it. I also have many ither interest besides age. I just thought it would be fun for the people my age here to get together and ound off in a post. But suppose youwould rather talk about first word last word or what song are you listening to or how someonespoo looks like because there are tons of responding post to them. Forget it sorry I took the time to post.Im glad you are doing so well at 57 ..Here here hallauah!! Geoff is doing great at 57!!! Maybe we can all respond to that. Thanks for making my day!!!!
Sorry if I offended you Michael............ I always reckon "being old" is usually about 5 years older than you are at present. My 98 year old aunt never thought she was old even though she was the oldest person in the home she lived in! I haven't escaped all the ravages of aging either....... couple of teeth missing, 3 different pairs of glasses, a brain befuddled from years of various antidepressants, an arthritic finger!!!...... no one escapes! Best wishes
Dr Geoff!

14-08-11, 10:25
My name is William and I am 66 years of age and I have GAD(General Anxiety Disorder).Every morning on getting up I am unbalanced,and most of the day,when I go oMy I feel light headed and nausius ,but I still venture out(you noticed that I have used the word venture) and not just go out.I have had this disorder for most of my life,but have only had these anxiety sensations for 3 months,before I retired I dealt with this by working(Distraction if you like)I worry about my two sons,Finances,my wife my daughter,in fact thinking about it ,I probably look for things to worry about.I have been on Sertraline for years 50mg one tablet every day,recently my doctor doubled the medication to 100mg every day which made things worse,so I am now back to the 50mg.I realise that its down to my thoughts and I have tried fighting it ,accepting it,and everything else known to man and woman.
Hypnotheraphy,Acupuncture,medication,meditation,br eathing exercises,and CBT,which did,nt suit me. Had all the usual blood tests and cholestrol,eye tests with 6 machines,ears looked at by my doctor,all results A1 and so you think that I would be over the moon,but no,I want to be me again,(very Impatient)I just want to go out with my camera again and take some photos.so thank you for reading this.

14-08-11, 10:43
This made me laugh ..so true though ..:D


A for arthritis,
B for bad back,
C is for chest pains.
Perhaps cardiac?

D is for dental replacements and decline,
E is for eyesight--can't read that top line?
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas (which I'd rather not mention.)
H high blood pressure (I'd rather have low)
I for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, that now fail to flex
L for libido--what happened to sex?

Wait! I forgot about K!
K is for my knees that crack when they're bent (Please forgive me, my Memory ain't worth a cent) ?
N for neurosis, pinched nerves and stiff neck
O is for osteo- and all bones that crack.

P for prescriptions, I have quite a few
Give me another pill; I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasiness. Wine or flu?
R is for reflux-- one meal turns into two

S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears?
T for tinnitus--I hear bells in my ears.
U is for urinary: difficulties with flow
V is for vertigo, that's "dizzy", you know.
W is worry, now what's going 'round?
X is for X ray-- and what might be found.
Y for another year I've left behind
Z is for zest that I still have my mind!

Have survived all the symptoms my body's deployed,
And kept twenty-six doctors gainfully employed!

That was a good read lol

I was 58 yesterday yak lol although I do get told I look more like 48 huurrrayyy . But my prob is my blood pressure worry I really don't think I have it, I had a few problems last year and had it done and it was up slightly. If you have bp please tell me how do I keep calm when going to have it done as I know if i was calm it would be low, It is as if my brain says panic ur going to have your bp done. I do have thyroid which I accept I also have high cholesteral can't spell that I take medication for both these problems, which I accept no problems there, and I have just started taking anti depressants ( citalopram) which are giving me horrid side affects and the reason I am taking them is that I can't accept having bp which i think is a sign of ageing. Just find it hard to accept. I'm sure I will get over my fear.

By the way last year I split with my abusive husband after 34 years had a car crash moved house went into hospital with a bad water infection but had a lot of tests, not nice ones, and they said nowt wrong with me. then after all that went back to work to find thy decided to dismiss me as I was off work quite a bit but that was due to trying to get a way from my husband and the stress it brought with it. I had worked there for 7 years. I could have appealed but I just didn't have the strengthat the time. So now no job and I have never been out of work. No wander my bp went up. Now I just can't relax and keep worrying about going to have bp done it's so silly. The last reading I had was 135/80 which for a 58 year old is not bad, nurse was pleased, but I was soo nervous going to have it done. and I don't want to be like that. Don't I go on lol ?

Cathy xx

14-08-11, 15:37
Indeed lucky Geoff, i do suffer with random aches, pains, eye flashes, sore back & neck, get forgetful, all things to do with an ageing body, yes I think it shocks me first, then worries me, cos, in my head i still enjoy all the things i used to do,and mentally still fell young, and when these odd aches etc happen it suddenly makes me think s*** I am getting old, and then start thinking about all the other thinks that happen as we get older, so viscous circle, would be quite happy to keep this thread going.

14-08-11, 15:47
I'm 67 and I'm told I look pretty young , but my goodness , my body doesn't know how to feel young ....this page is too small for me to list my ailments ..........BUT........ I try to keep smiling :D

14-08-11, 16:00
Hi :)
crikey this thread has had me laughing and weeping in equal measure :wacko:

I am 57 and so understand where you are coming from Michael on bad days .
dare not look in mirror without squinting and never ever in the morning[comb my hair in cooker hood reflection it is so much kinder ]. ban photos unless airbrushing has taken place .
my joints ache and my back hurts ......every move I make has an OUCH said.
My chest is appalling because of years spent self medicating on cigarettes for cure from untreated anxiety [no cure at all makes it worse :mad:]
I twitch and get muscle spasms ....my hands dont belong to me and drop stuff in super markets and my mind has gone on walk about :winks:
oh and also I am deaf in one ear and need glasses[probably from squinting in mirror to hide the TRUTH about my ageing face ]
lots of us out there with you :hugs:

hey but we have humour and wisdom dont we ? I love this planet and its weather and history and wildlife ...........oh and the young too xxx
dont dwell on it .be like me and be in denial about our ageing .
tis our third age of living .......and we are lucky to be still here I believe thank God ......wrinkles and aches shove off .I got a LIFE TO LIVE :yesyes:

macc noodle
14-08-11, 16:08
It is ok being older, but why oh why, do I keep nodding off with a cup of tea in my hand- it is making a right mess on the carpets!!!!!

Macc Noodle


14-08-11, 16:13
ha ha Mac:D:D

know the feeling ...........and then the dribbling from corner of mouth and mouth wide open snoring :blush:

not the best look in a National Trust tea room :winks: xx

14-08-11, 17:47
Since it isn't doable that to have an age group on the site, I hope it is ok with everyone that posts here, that I keep a note of who is who and over 50. That way if I see you in chat or a post, I know who you are.

Just for fun of our age....who remembers rotary dial phones, 25ft coiled phone cords, and disco? :-) And tv stations that totaled maybe 5 and signed off at around 1am.

14-08-11, 18:44
I can remember the Queen's coronation lol!

14-08-11, 21:01
I can remember the first TV broadcast :shades:

14-08-11, 21:51

This has lots of rememberances.

14-08-11, 22:19
Thanks everybody for contributing and making this fun! :))

14-08-11, 22:33
This is depressing. But remember, 50 is the new forty! This is because we will have to work longer. Then we drop dead.


14-08-11, 22:35
hmm dont know what to say.....hope you feel better and thanks for posting.....

14-08-11, 23:25
I agree with Geoff, listing our symptoms and comparing just feeds anxieties. Use your time and energy to deal with the anxiety, don't get bogged down in it.

15-08-11, 00:29
Sorry this thread is suppose to help everybody get to know each other over 50 and enjpy talking about the way they feel. Geoff even came back and joined in,but thanks for your input anyway and have a nice day!:)

15-08-11, 00:35
I've been pretty hung up myself about getting older. Mentally I still feel like I'm 23 but when I look in the mirror...who is that old guy? Oh yeah, I'm actually 53.

Physically I've a few aches and pains and a bit of arthritis in my hand but the worst thing is putting on weight.

Getting old isn't much fun but there's plenty more to worry about...and I do.

15-08-11, 00:45
lol...thanks for posting and ww all are getting older but that is the funny thing that the younger people here dont get,tht they too will grow old and its a bit of a shocker:) I still think in my mind that im 18 but when I look in the mirror what shock! but oh well what can you do! :)

15-08-11, 02:30
This must be a sensitive subject Michael cos quite frankly I despair at some of the responses you've received :lac:

I demand a subforum for angry over-30s :mad:

15-08-11, 02:49
Hehehe....yeah a sub forum would be nice for over 30 ish lol

15-08-11, 21:29
Did we run out of 50 plus?

15-08-11, 21:33
There all blooming knackered Michael ..gone to bed early with a cup of cocoa ...Oh the Joys .eh ? :whistles: ...Im sure more will post when they can ..T/c Sue x

15-08-11, 21:42
you got a webcam Suzy Sue ? :ohmy:
there is me in my nightie and off up the stairs .........plus cocoa :winks:

15-08-11, 21:57
Thanks Sue,I forget the time difference lol

15-08-11, 22:18
Its still pretty early Michael .10pm ..but it takes us over an hour to get up the stairs with our arthritic limbs and zimmer frames ...Those lucky enough to have a stair lift,stay up later ..:roflmao: Sleep well Snowy lol ..No slopping your cocoa down your nightie ...:lac: Sue x

16-08-11, 00:48
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:To all the replies

16-08-11, 13:57
loving this thread, and is obviously connecting with some on here, long may it continue and remember

You don't remember being absent minded
Your little black book only contains names ending in Dr
At the breakfast table you hear "snap, crackle, pop" and you're not eating cereal.
Happy hour is a nap.
Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service
In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first
You can live without sex but not without glasses
Did you ever notice? The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are 'XL'.
Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today, it's called golf.

Have a good day all,

16-08-11, 16:47

Come up and see me sometime - I have a lift :D

16-08-11, 16:52
MM get back to your position!!...I knew i would find you lurking and flirting with the ladies again. Now off you pop poppet before i take me slipper to your *AHEM*, tssssssk!!!!

16-08-11, 16:53

MM does not have a lift, he has a dumb waiter. The fibs he tells. :doh:

16-08-11, 16:54
She didn't hear a word of it BB :whistles:

16-08-11, 16:57
Tsk ok i said

MM does not have a lift, he has a dumb waiter. The fibs he tells

That better?

16-08-11, 17:00
Oh and forgot her glasses too :lac:

16-08-11, 17:12

16-08-11, 21:54
You guys are so funny:D

17-08-11, 08:33
Hi Michael, can I join your gang? I am 67 with glasses, nearly deaf in one ear, creaky knees, underactive thyroid, take anti-mad pills as I have been loopy all my life and I consider myself completely eccentric. I love teddy bears and anything childish. At least I have a good sense of humour and am thoroughly enjoying the threads and hope to be following them for a long time, they really lift my spirits. I send all good wishes to you Michael and hope that everyone's support helps you too.

17-08-11, 14:19

I am 65 and when things are ok I really don't feel my age at all. Ok so I can't lift heavy stuff any more and get tired quicker. Have had all be bits taken away, wear glasses, underactive thyroid.

I do, however, have a fear of getting older, well not getting older so much as getting ill.

At the moment I am very stressed and suffering from GAD I think due to lots of important big life changes this year. Not least the 'Empty Nest Symdrome' as my youngest has not long moved out. I am living on my own and very lonely now.

I simply must find myself a Toy Boy soon:yesyes::bighug1:

17-08-11, 15:08
Can I join in as well :)This is a great thread.Some fun replies too which have made me smile.
I dont think ive ever really gone above 30 in my head, just that the aches and creaks and floaters and finding the remote control in the fridge and forgetting why ive walked into a room or what i was going to say. have caught up with me :D

17-08-11, 16:58
Hi Michael I am 59 very nearly 60, if I did not have this awful H.A .I am sure I would feel 21 again :)

macc noodle
17-08-11, 19:36
Help, I think I am getting "bungalow knees"

17-08-11, 22:04
Thanks everybody for joining and making this fun. I love it! :)

18-08-11, 08:31
There is one good thing about getting older.
My memory's getting bad, maybe alzheimers is setting in........at least if it does then my anxiety's may go because i wont remember what I'm scared of. :shrug:

24-08-11, 21:07
Hi...Am I too old at 67 to join in this great thread? He He. Some days I can find witty things to say about ageing and some days the jokes about polyfilla ain't funny!! I have Fibromyalgia Syndrome so pretty much everything there... all aches, pains, insomnia depression plus IBS! Some days are much better than others though. Worst worry is high blood pressure and health anxiety about it!!!! Doc generally smiles and says.. "You're fine". Guess he is right as he must see much, much sadder and sicker people in a day! Ta for letting me witter on....best thing is my dog Bracken. There is only him and I and he keeps me from becoming too lonely and introspective....he relies on me to make his life good and I would never let him down. The very best and kindest thoughts to all you " over 50's.................over 60 is not to bad either!!!! :winks:

24-08-11, 21:16
This is a fab thread and it just shows, no matter what life throws at us all, we never loose our sense of humour and understanding of each other.


P.s I'm 39 but i am printing this off to read on my 50th birthday!! You lot are a hoot!!!

Love Lisa