View Full Version : Pain under right ribs

13-08-11, 07:30
Have pain and spasm under right rib, really scared. have so much going on with my health at the moment, could this be ibs? have had this pain before, last ultra sound was a couple of years ago, showed a small polyp in gallbladder, maybe its gallstones. I really cant cope anymore, i feel like im dying !!!

13-08-11, 07:46
I get this almist every night. If you push down in that area and its really painful it might be gallbladder but there are more ymptoms than that so its probally just muscle strain and tense muscles like mine. Im sure you arent dying and hope you feel better soon

13-08-11, 08:01
But all that scary stuff IS treatable x
It could be wind too, you are not going to die *hugs* but if the pain doesnt go, you could maybe ask your doctor about it :)

13-08-11, 09:48
i get pain there too which goes to my back but last time went docs he checked gallbladder and liver and said was fine and was ibs or muscle strain.

13-08-11, 15:39
You're not the only one. :hugs:I'm struggling with this, too, at the moment. The pain comes and goes. Sometimes I can often feel it, other times it can be gone for a day. Today is a good day, since I have only felt a dull ache one time. It scares me, too. Always afraid of something bad or that doctor has missed something and I'm dying :(

I went to my GP last week for it and he suspects it is IBS since the pain is where the large colon bends.

My muscles are also very tense, and my ribs tend to hurt as well sometimes, too.

13-08-11, 21:02
Thanks for all your comments.x