View Full Version : I can't handle this anymore. Please read. x

13-08-11, 11:32
I have got a terrible cough, along with a pain in my head and head pressure like pulsating. I woke up this morning in a huge sweat and was literally soaking in my bed covers, and i put a t-shirt on because im sweating and now im absolutely freezing so i don't know whether to put a jumper on because ill start sweating.

I havn't been able to eat properly for the past few days and ive been getting the feeling like something is stuck in my throat. Ive got pain in my stomach and im taking Rinitidine for it, but im really scared they arnt the correct medication or they have been switched, they are small round and yellow and they have 'IL' on it i think. Ive googled what they look like and they don't look like the ones ive got.. I am shaking loads not inside but outside so i can physically see myself shaking, and ive got loads of pressure inside my head which sometimes effects the dizzyness and my vision. I am trying to eat but it feels like nothing can go down. Ive got toothache and the dentist said there is nothing wrong but didn't even do an x-ray. Im getting seriously fed up now. I feel freezing cold and all my muscles, arms, legs they all hurt and ache. I am not having an anxiety attack or panic attack, and i feel like im normal sitting here. But the symptoms are still here and they are just starting to overcome me. I seriously think im going to die within the next few days, possibly even tonight or today. Im convinced ive got swine flu because of two people from hungary comng over and working with them. Im so so scared and i really don't want to die, Hopefully i am being taken to the out of hours doctor today, but im not sure what they can determine really. I think i need bloodtests and various tests.

I seriously don't know what to do anymore, im so alone and i have no one to talk to. These symptoms are overcoming me and im in tears all the time. I feel like im upsetting my family aswell and i feel like im making them really depressed and sick. I want to fight through this so badly but i just can't, not until i know there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. Ive got pins and needles in my left hand and left foot and i feel like im just about to have a heart attack. I feel like i can't breathe at all aswell. I feel as if im about to pass out and collapse im that dizzy. My ears are going really deaf aswell. These may all sound like anxiety attack/panic attack symptoms but i seriously don't feel like im having and anxiety attack or panic attack, i feel normal. I don't understand how anxiety could cause this much upset and stress to a person, im 16 years old and i want to spend time with my family and be happy, but i can't. I'm so alone and i have no one to talk to, no friends, nothing. When i go to the doctor, they just say, 'your saying so many symptoms so you have anxiety', which means they could have missed something.

Im really sorry for the long post, but i just can't handle this anymore, i'm scared to sleep, i can't eat or drink, im crying all the time, i have no one, im upsetting my family and i just can't do this anymore.

Ive rung samaritans and spoken to child line councellors over the net but i just need someone to be able to tell my everything is going to be ok. :( I know i post alot and i annoy alot of people on here, but i have no where else to go now, every aspect of my life is effected and i havn't smiled in a very very long time. Im sorry x

13-08-11, 13:45
I thought the doctor said you had a virus the other day duke ?

macc noodle
13-08-11, 13:56

Yes you do post a lot but that is because you are clearly suffering really badly with your anxiety and it is ruling your life.

You need to find someone to help you fight back.

A lot of us on here function with quite high levels of anxiety - we go to work, we look after families, we cook, we clean, we drive, we LIVE!

Anxiety does not mean the end of your life, nor does it mean that you cannot smile when things are good. Anxiety is just a part of us and cannot define us.

With help honey,you can achieve good things and feel better than you do now.

You need help from your local adolescent mental health unit which is accessed via your GP - you need to turn to your family to help you get the help you need. You must not feel bad about asking them for help and you must ask them to get the GP to sort out the help you need.

And when you are next in chat and people offer help and advice, take a deep breath and take 5 minutes to see if you can just consider their advice and if you can apply it to your situation - just maybe if you could, it would make things just a little easier for you.

Please please ask the adults in your life to help you get this sorted - you are only 16 and do need help with this. And, although we all try in here, we are limited in what we can do.

Good luck hun :)


13-08-11, 14:20
the offer is still there to help you find a womens center or something taht offers the same surpport in your area

people on here do offer you some good advice when they reply maybe if you check your old threads you could see if theres anything you think might help

13-08-11, 14:29

Yes you do post a lot but that is because you are clearly suffering really badly with your anxiety and it is ruling your life.

You need to find someone to help you fight back.

A lot of us on here function with quite high levels of anxiety - we go to work, we look after families, we cook, we clean, we drive, we LIVE!

Anxiety does not mean the end of your life, nor does it mean that you cannot smile when things are good. Anxiety is just a part of us and cannot define us.

That is very well said macc and I second that.:yesyes:

Dealing with anxiety is about practice and the will to fight it, and not let it beat you. It is a sad irony that the longer you have anxiety, the more you get used to not fearing it and just getting on as best as you can. I myself am at a stage where I am so tired of the merry-go-round of anxiety that I WILL NOT allow it to rule me anymore, but in saying that, I still have bad days. I am starting an Open Uni course soon, and I am determined I won't allow bloody anxiety to ruin that, but I am well aware that anxiety is a bit like a rollercoaster - ups and downs.

I know it is SO, SO HARD Duke, but you can do it. It can be done, you just need to discover ways that work for you, be it breathing techniques, positive thoughts and affirmations, distraction techniques, etc.

Anxiety is horrible no doubt, and many, many of us can relate to you Duke, I promise.

I know that it makes you feel like you are alone and the only person in the world, particularly if the people around you have no experience of anxiety and are struggling to get their heads around what to say or do. I was very, very fortunate that my Dad has suffered with anxiety and had two breakdowns so helped me tremendously and still does.

I think from what you say that you are caught in a hard spot right now as it seems that you are possibly physically unwell and so that in turn is heightening your anxiety, and I would guess that a lot of your symptoms are from your anxiety too, so matters are confused hun.

Firstly, you have to try if you can to remain positive and calm yourself down mentally. Tell yourself that you are unwell, and this will pass. That your anxiety is just because you are feeling under the weather. Positivity is key. I know it is easy for me to say, but it really does work.

Whatever you feel up to doing, do it! Even if it is just playing a game or watching tv or anything to distract you from feeling rotten all the time.

I know that all your symptoms make it hard for you to believe that this could be anxiety driven, but truly, you would be staggered at what kinds of physical things anxiety can cause, which is why tackling your anxiety is crucial.

Don't accept a brush off from your GP and as macc said, confide in your family about all that you are feeling. Don't feel guilty that you are burdening them. They are your family so will only want to help, I am sure.

This will not last I assure you. You just need help to find the pathway to deal with it.

Lots of love.xxxx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

13-08-11, 19:56
Not sure if this is helping but I have had swine flu, and can tell you, it sounds nothing like what ive had to be honest, have you had any tests for UTI's or Kidney infections, it sounds like you are dehydrated from sweating and such, and possibily have a kidney infection

14-08-11, 05:34
I am new here and I am tormented by health anxiety. I know that feeling of blind panic so well and I am sorry to hear you are feeling overhwelmed. I am not doubting your symptoms but do know from experience that the anxious feelings will make you hypersensitive to everything you feel. The main thing to remember is that you will be okay and just need the right help and support. You are not alone. It may help for you to go to the gp with someone you trust for moral support too. I really do feel for you as I sometimes get so scared in my mind of dying with cancer I want to run out into the street and beg anyone for help. I feel I am screaming inside for help but no one understands..it is horrible. Stay strong and you will be ok : )

14-08-11, 07:12
You will be ok.sorry you are feeling so bad and hope you feel better soon:hugs: