View Full Version : Just started Citalopram!

13-08-11, 13:10
Hi all, I'm new, thought i would post my side effects for anyone wondering about this medication.

On day 5 now of 10mg.

Side effects have varied.
Day 1 - Headaches
Day 2 - Headaches in the morning, good mood in the afternoon
Day 3 - Headaches, dry mouth, dizzy, quite anxious, good mood in the morning, vivid dreams
Day 4 - Dry mouth, headaches less, anxious most of the day, woke up middle of night, hard to get back to sleep.
Day 5 (today) - Good mood from the morning, but dizzy, dizzy typing this!

If i can keep this good mood but loose the dizziness then great! :yesyes:

13-08-11, 13:29
Nice to hear you've taken it ! ive had mine for 3days and aint picked up the courage to take them, i also have 10mg's :( im sooo scared, dont wanna die or nuffin i have headache and im so tensed anyway.. :( hope works well for you xxx

13-08-11, 13:34
sooner you start the sooner you will feel better! I take mine just before bed.

13-08-11, 13:37
Swould it be ok to take it now?

13-08-11, 13:43
what did your doctor say?

13-08-11, 13:46
Anytime i feel ready im just scared cant get the courage

13-08-11, 13:56
you might want take at night, you will possibly sleep through any sides effects.

13-08-11, 21:04
hi g.man,

ive been taking 20mg for 12 days now. i usually take it around 6pm.
ive had no side affects really, i feel anxious, nervy etc in the mornings. but i did anyway before i started the meds. i hate waking like this in a morning - its one thing i want the cit to help with.

14-08-11, 08:28
Try think positive feelings, i know its hard but its battle we face.

15-08-11, 19:47
Must say that day 7 (today) i have felt quite down. Its probably way to early to expect anything just yet...

I have lost my confidence and the thought of going back to work and sitting in on all the meetings i need to is getting me down. For some unknown reason i had a bit of a panic attack in a meeting and now i think every meeting i'll go to, i'll get into that state!

09-09-11, 17:44
On my fifth week now, went back to work after 2 weeks of 10mg citalopram and could cope with work fine.

Today was in a group meeting and i felt an attack come on and it peaked at what felt like a heavy sweat on my forehead, i was nearly trying to get out the room but i stayed with it. So may ask to goto 20mg when i next see doctor unless the 10mg has yet to fully take effect.

09-09-11, 18:35
If you think you could be better, don't be afraid of asking for upping the dose to 20mg. It is the usual dose most of the people take and will certainly help you. In fact 10mg is quite a low dose and will help very few people as it is not enough for the moderate to severe type of depression/anxiety.

09-09-11, 18:52
I'll get told off if i just double the dose i bet, so booked an earlier appointment with docs for next monday.

09-09-11, 19:33
Of course, you should discuss it with your Dr., it's never a good idea to decide the medication yourself.:)

10-09-11, 09:33
How soon do you see the benefits of 20mg once you have been on 10mg for 5 weeks? I felt 10mg after about 10 days, it was enough to get me back to work and doing my normal duties.

10-09-11, 11:40
Things will and do get better when you've beenon citalopram for quite a whie.

Last time around it took me six weeks adjust. For the first week I had nausa, weekness, toilet trobles, burning sensatio in armpits, chest, heache. They went by day 6. Then, i had hightened anxiety and panic attacks, on and off the next three weeks of so, aong the drowsiness, feeling strangely chilled out. The last three weeks I was left with feeling down one minute and happy the next along with the tiredness and spaced out feeling. As I say, that all went away by week 7 and I was getting better and better from then on.

Now, I've restarted cit due to another anxiety, panic issue and coming of cit way too soon after therapy. I'm on day 3 and noticed that I don't have much nausia at all. My anxiety is starting to calm a bit. The morning's a very difficult though. Felt so drrowsey and dopey yesterday. Still have aches and pains.

However, I think my mood's improved after listening to the dr. Clare's Weekes recording and talking to avery good mate of mine who wants to help me with my panic issues. :) So, keep with the citalopram. If you don't much, or any better by week 8 tell your GP. There's a lot on optons out there apparently, so I was told last year.