View Full Version : New

13-08-11, 13:19
Only registered yesterday but already feel at ease knowing i'm not alone after reading the forums.

Been to the doctors twice and all they do is increase the dose of propranolol which only stops the physical side of anxiety, my mind still goes all crazy.
They've offered anti-depressants but I don't think thats the answer.

My panic attacks seem to be consistant and the moment I remember that I get them, I panic. At night I panic, what if I don't wake up?
I love life and am frightened it will all end. I don't want to live life worrying about death, having a heart attack etc.
It sounds pathetic, there's so many people much more worse off. I have a good life, and I feel like i'm wasting it panicking.
I panic in shopping centres, at bed time, sometimes almost every hour of every day.
I feel like I should be shaked and told i'm an idiot, because I feel like one.

13-08-11, 13:20
Hi amanda1986

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-08-11, 14:03
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


13-08-11, 14:36
Hi Amanda,
You struck the heart of it when you wrote; "what if". Those are the words and thoughts inside that can cause so much anxiety. And it can happen so quickly but you are at an advantage recognizing what is at least partly triggering your panic. Please know that you are not alone and there are others who go through the very same thing. Attitude counts for so much as well as not trying to keep a tight grip on yourself to try to ward off a panic attack. It's like fighting yourself, which no one can do with success. To help, there are many management techniques and books. Finding what works best for you is important. I wish you well.

13-08-11, 16:18
Hi Amanda,

:welcome: to NMP. I found this site accidentally when searching for info on my meds and it has been a life saver for me. The people here so friendly and helpful.

Hope you enjoy your stay .


13-08-11, 17:03
hi amanda, new here also :)

14-08-11, 12:50
Hello everyone!
Thanks for the warm welcome.
:) xx

14-08-11, 21:44
welcome to the site

15-08-11, 13:25
Hi Amanda,

You're not an idiot, just dealing with anxiety...& it's hard!
I was like you a few months ago but with the help of the site (& meds) I am slowly getting my life back together.

You will get there, believe in yourself.

Emily xxx

16-08-11, 14:32
Thank you Emily.
Glad you're getting better :) This site makes me feel more confident about getting better too