View Full Version : Afraid I may have ALS or MND

13-08-11, 19:21
Now guys I'm not sure if I do but I'll explain some things that have been happening to me and you can make your mind up, I have been experiencing very slight muscle twitches / jerks, they arent severe or troublesome but I am aware of them, I've had a funny feeling in my legs, like a heaviness or a soreness especially in my calves, and sometimes my hands feel slightly funny, Funny is the only weak I can describe them because I would say weak, but I can still type, open bags, and do normal things, My legs that feel weak doesnt really seem to affect how I can carry out normal duties, but I am aware something doesnt feel right with them, I have recently started getting a funny feeling in my throat, and Im not sure if its normal or my high state of anxiety is blowing it out of proportion, It is litteraly on my mind when I sleep and when I wake up, I've had a little bit of breathlessness that seems to come from my diaphragm, but otherwise I am healthy, sometimes it feels awkward to walk, but I can walk fine, go to work and work 8hours a day fine, and still come home and have energy but all that is running over in my head is BULBAR ALS BULBAR ALS anyone have any experiences?

13-08-11, 19:32
I'm 21 years of age btw not sure if it matters I also have a funny feeling in my facial muscles which started on the left and seems to have went to the right, my smile isnt affected in anyway, it feels like its tight

14-08-11, 15:36
The muscles in my body (from my face to my legs and arms and back, just everywhere!) always feel heavy or funny. Sometimes they feel tingly, other times twitchy, and other times sore. The thing with anxiety is that it makes us very tense. We are constantly tensing our muscles without even realising it, which wears them out and makes them sore, tired and prone to twitching and jerking. And the thing with anxiety is that our senses are much higher than normal because our nervous system is so overactive. This means that everything we normally feel is magnified, and we notice strange feelings that noone else would. For example, think about the sole of your foot right now and focus on it. You will notice that you are now aware of how it feels, but you probably weren't before. It's the same with the rest of your body. The more you focus on how things feel, the funnier they will feel. If you are focusing on how weird your legs feel, it will be harder to walk and they will feel heavier. Our bodies work in funny ways, and anxiety really is a horrible thing to suffer with. I always get a funny feeling in my throat too, and this I can almost guarantee you is anxiety, so don't worry yourself about that. Same thing with my face. You'll find that it comes and gets worse as soon as you think about it as well. A sure fire way to tell that something is anxiety related. If you are still really worried baout it just have a quick visit to your doctor and see what they think. Nothing better than reassurance :)

15-08-11, 15:27
Amiee, I've a doctors appointment today, so I'll let you know how I get on, everything does seem to be amplifiied when im feeling anxious, but I just want to say, I really appreciate you taking the time to write out all that, theres nothing worst than anxiety to be honest and I've always been anxious my whole life, I've googled the symptoms and its like ALS MS, so basically I'm doomed, or am I :P alot of things may be psychological, I think it's probably due to a mixture of anxiety, B12 deficency because my diet is crap, and possibly a thyroid problem, my aunty was diagnosed with that, so maybe it runs in the family?

Anyway, thank you so much for your reply, it's appreciated.


15-08-11, 16:33
B12 deficiencies cause twinging, cramping, burning & pins & needles.
I used to get it (mainly in my legs) but since I upped my vitamins it seems to have gone...
Get yourself a vitamin supplement & see if it eases.

Emily xxx

16-08-11, 03:15
Ok, so went to doctors today and he done some strength and muscle tests and said basically I had good muscle strength, and there was no weakness he could feel. I asked him for something to clam my anxiety and he give me propanolol? do you guys reckeon he would of seen some muscle weakness had I had ALS or MS? im getting blood tests for B12 Thyroid and a complete blood count

16-08-11, 15:56
Does anyone know if muscle weakness would of showed up when the doctor gave me physical exams if I had ALS or MS?

16-08-11, 16:38
Muscle weakness would have showed up I would have thought. That's why they get you to do the muscle tests. When I went to the docs he made me push him & then pull him towards me - he said I had no muscle weakness too so we have to believe them!!!!
Good news you are getting your b12 tests done, you will prob find it's something to do with that.
Try not to worry too much in the meantime! Try & believe the doctor! Hope you feel better.

Emily xxx

16-08-11, 20:39
I also thought I considered the possibility of ALS as I was also getting muscle twitches around my body. What I could gather from frantic reasearch to try and get some reassurance is that there would already be significant muscle weakness with ALS before any muscle twitching start as the twitching is caused by dying muscle. There is a huge difference between percieved muscle weakness and clinical muscle weakness which would mean that you physically would not be able to even lift your arm.
although you hear about this disease alot it is still incredibly rare.

Hope this makes you feel better =) it did me when I actually really thought about it. It is such a terrible disease just the thought of it sends a shiver down my spine, but I would seriously doubt that you have it.

17-08-11, 02:36
Thanks guys, the muscle twitching is quite rare at the minute its mainly a feeling of muscle pain/weakness or heaviness, yeah he done that to me mi55 pulled on my foot and hand grip and stuff, said I was a strong lad, and didn't have any weakness. So does it mean no weakness he can feel or I just don't have the same weakness someone with als would have?

17-08-11, 02:39
I haven't ate meat or vegetables since I was 10 or the first outbreak of mad cows disease, had my levels done when I was 19, and they were normal, I struggle to believe thhat tbh, I eat vegetable on rarity

17-08-11, 03:10
I guess there is alot of ALS going around or MND because I have all your symptions with the exception of one or two I think.Also I have posted most of these in various post and there seems to be alot of people experiencing what we are. Im thinking probally just amnxiety but you have taken it further and got a check up.I havent but believe with all my heart its just anxiety.

17-08-11, 07:57
You may feel weak because your muscles are tired from being tense all the time that's how I felt but if it was true weakness I think you would know about it. You would probably be able to notice muscle atrophy (wastage) by know as well. I'm not a doctor but if your doctor was not concerned I would trust him.

I'm currently convinced I have a brain tumour but I'm sure in time I will be able to accept these physical symptoms really are anxiety!

18-08-11, 04:06
Hey Andrew, sorry it's taken me so long to reply again. I've been so busy with uni and work that I rarely get time to come online. Good to hear that you had a doctor's visit and that it went well. If your doctor said that your muscles aren't too weak then this is an excellent sign :) This indicates to me that your weakness is more related to anxiety and fatigue than anything else. Probably very likely to be induced by thoughts relating to muscle weakness (in other words, you can bring it on yourself). If your doctor had any reason to believe you were suffering from ALS or MND he would have referred you for all kinds of tests. You mentioned that you do not eat meat or vegetables, so this is probably one of the biggest causes for your muscle weakness! If you don't eat meat and vegetables then you aren't getting the vitamins and nutrients your body requires in order to have energy. Not to mention, anxiety uses a ridiculous amount of energy, so it's no wonder you feel weak and your muscles ache and twitch. You should look into getting some blood tests done to assess your vitamin and nutrient levels, just so you know where you are lacking. I'd suggest checking in with a pharmacist to see what kind of vitamin supplements you can take to help. Magnesium is highly recommended for muscle aches and pains. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, and magnesium tablets really help with my muscle aches and weakness :)

18-08-11, 10:09
My anxiety condition began under near-identical circumstances with exactly the symptoms you describe. I also thought I had ALS. Btw have you seen the statistics for that at your age? You have more chance of winning the big one on the lottery. This week!

Muscle twitches affect 70% of the population at some point, especially anxious people. You don't need nerve tests to rule out ALS and you doctor won't be sending you for any....

I had the vitamin B12 tests done too. All were ok. Vitamin B12 is found in meat. Eat that ot supplements if vegetarian. A good diet will definitely ease the symptoms.

I have had the funny throat feeling, the warm tingly hands and feet, a feeling of weakness in my arms and legs, the odd numb finger or toe. Other symptoms come and go. Stop doing the swallowing test - it causes your throat to dry out and makes swallowing difficult! ;)

Practice breathing in for 7 and out for 11 for three minutes at a time. Anxiety and breathing too quickly and shallowly causes an imbalance in the carbon dioxide levels in your blood needed to transport the oxygen to your brain. Whilst harmless it causes those weird sensations.

You need to get yourself a copy of Claire Weekes Self Help for Your Nerves. This book will make you realise that your symtoms and reaction to those symptoms are very common.

It is a vicious cycle - anxiety causes your symptoms and the symptoms ramp up the anxiety because you think there is a serious underlying cause for them. This is a normal reaction.

Get the thyroid and vitamin B12 tests done and you will need no further tests. If these come back positive they are easily treated.

Oh and stop thinking the doctor has misses something because it sounds like he did a pretty thorough job.

18-08-11, 17:12
Hey amieee, hope uni work is going ok thanks for the reply, appreciate it, also Jules, he brought me into the room, tested the strength of my muscles in my feet, legs, hands, arms, checked my tongue for some reason? done reflex test said my muscle strength was 100% no weakness at all, I've had my B12 and thyroid checked atm, so just awaiting results, you think the doc would of picked something up even at early stages? thanks for your reply btw

20-08-11, 19:34
Hello andyreww.

I have wide spread musle twitching really bad in my calfs (sometimes in bed it feels like my legs are moving across the bed when the muscles are moving bad).

My calfs twitch drives me mad sometimes as they are constant, also my lip sometimes twitches my eyelid and chest,thumb,etc-etc.

And i have gone down the als/mnd road and i will tell you it is a scary place (sometimes i still think about it) had at one stage writin letters to my wife and kids for when i am gone (not for a long time mate).

As i found out about BFS (benign fasciculation syndrome) mimics als but thats all.

I seen a neurologist a few months ago, was a quick 10min appointment, a few strength tests and some reflex test and sent on my way. Told NO WAY als/mnd as have no muscle wasting or weakness was told no need for any tests as BFS is very common with people with stress.

My legs feel heavey, muscle ache constantly BUT have been told it is just something i have to get used to and try to reduce stress and STOP thinking about als/mnd as it will only make things worse.

If you ever need anyone to take to let me know.

My advice is STOP-RELAX & DONT think off als

22-08-11, 10:13
Cheers xtremx I appreciate it mate, had a blood test and everything came back normal, now I'm thinking It can't be anything minor now, and it's something more sinister. I was hoping on thyroid or B12

22-08-11, 12:40
Cheers xtremx I appreciate it mate, had a blood test and everything came back normal, now I'm thinking It can't be anything minor now, and it's something more sinister. I was hoping on thyroid or B12

Andyreww, Mate listern too me.
My wife and other women tell me because I am MALE not to think as it is dangerous (a bit like the saying If your brains were dynamite, there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off).

But putting that to one side PLEASE dont think it is something sinister.
Goto http://www.nextination.com/aboutbfs/forums/index.php Read up on the posts people have made including myself and you will find that you are not alone in any off the symptoms and feelings & also thoughts you are having.

I understand it is hard for anyone to say chill abit and try to relax (my other half tells me it & i must admit i find it hard too do) but if you try a take a step back you will find it a lot better.:yesyes:

Right must work this out the human brain weighs about 3lbs, I would of thought 3 lbs of dynamite would make a big bang. Must ask the mythbusters.
See what u have done I am thinking again:wacko::wacko: