View Full Version : Mirtazapine side efects

13-08-11, 22:56
Hi - I'm new to the site and would just like to have a chat with anyone who maybe up. I have been reading the many threads about mirtz side effects, like many of you I have had the weird dreams, slept well and everything but my husband says i have become very agitated, hostile, quick to shout at the kids and generally irritable - I have stopped taking this med and have been of for a week, didn't tell my H but he noticed that i was alot better in my mood - I was for that week but I am finding I am slipping back into my depression, havn't told the doc that i took myself of either, due to see her next week.

Is this a side effect or do you think I might not be suited to them?

Pleased to hear of anyones thoughts. x

13-08-11, 22:59
Hi Charlie1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-08-11, 00:43
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


15-08-11, 18:46
Thank you veusbluejeans :)

16-08-11, 22:04
Hi been taking mirtazepine for couple years (only min dose) its great for me but have tried to come off it but then cant sleep at all. apparently you have to reduce slowly. i forgot to pack it for hols and had nightmare time. if it makes you feel better its worth persevering. good luck x

16-08-11, 23:56
Yes I went through a short period of extreme irritability. I was very short tempered, angry, short fuse, quite a nasty person really. But that side effect passed over time and calm returned.

You really must not stop and start this type of medication without seeking medical advice. If you try again, stick with it a bit longer, I hope that side effect will pass for you too :)

17-08-11, 18:56
Thanks Ingenius for your advice, just a bit concerned that I had been on them for 5 weeks and thought the side effects may have lessened by then I was getting a bit worried that i was upsetting everyone and being annoyed at anything and everything, due to see the Dr on friday and i will raise my concerns with her, she will probably reiterate what you have said.
Thanks Dx :)