View Full Version : so sad

14-08-11, 00:05
One of my friends told me today that someone who i knew back in the day died the other day of a brain tumour she was only 22 year younger than i am.. i feel so sad for her parents and family..

But one of my biggest fears is anything brain related this is now 4 people i have known with wither brain tumour or anneyrusm... and it scares the hell out of me considering it says they are really rate!

14-08-11, 15:25
That's terrible to hear. I hope you are feeling okay after recieving such bad news. It is actually very rare in terms of illness to die from a brain tumor or aneurysm, so I think it is just down to absolute rotten luck that 4 people you have known have had experiences with it. If it makes you feel better, I am the same age as you and I have travelled the world, and I am still yet to know someone who has had a brain tumor or aneurysm. It just depends on who you know. Try not to worry a lot about it, which I know is hard! But all the time you spend worrying is time that you could spend having fun doing something better! That's how I try and snap myself out of panic. I'm so sorry for how you are feeling and for the people you have known to suffer. My best wishes to you and to them.

14-08-11, 20:40
Thank you amiee

It is terribly sad news and the thought of it happening to many people scares me