View Full Version : Ive had a night out

14-08-11, 00:56
Ive managed a night out tonight...

Was my other half friends engagment party... Ive not had a night out since having my son due to no sitters and now my PA's but i made myself go tonight and not only that I did it without my tablets (i normally take two propan a day day but only took one this morning so it would of worn off by the time I went to the party.. more so to test myself)

I didnt know many people there so it was a big deal.. Was nerous going and was hard walking in at first and had to go outside at one point but stayed for 4 hours!! I even had a dance and didnt even have a drink just a coke so no dutch courage!

Im soo super proud of myself thats a hospital trip and a night out under my belt that i can build on.. starting to feel more like the old me..

I just wanna say the mind is very powerful but we need to start using it more for positive outcomes.. ive learnt from these past two trips out that thinking positive makes a HUGE difference and realising that people really dont care what ya doing!!

Believe in yourself and you really can do anything as corny and that sounds!

Hugs and love to everyone

xx :hugs:xx

14-08-11, 01:02
Congrats:) you did well and such a nice positive message for all of us. Thank you:)

macc noodle
14-08-11, 01:07
Well done MardyBum - onward and upward :D

Macc Noodle

14-08-11, 01:10
Well done, two great achievements that can only give you courage for more :yesyes:

14-08-11, 08:45
Well done!!!:yesyes: