View Full Version : onset of many symptoms

08-05-06, 14:55
hi all,

I've been feeling pretty good for the past few weeks but for the past few days, I've been having a real light headed feeling and a spot of dizziness. The globus thing has reared its ugly head again but nowhere near as bad as it has been in the past (voice has been a bit croaky though). Plus, I've had one or two palpatations also.

The thing is, I really dont feel stressed or anxious, but these symptoms are making me feel so!! ARRGGHHH!! I'm determind not to get into the vicious circle of symptom breeding fear = more symptoms et al.

The lightheadedness is a bit concerning, but, then again, I have had a busy few days over the last week and not so many early nights. Maybe its a viral thing, it really isnt too severe and my wife had a similar bout a few weeks ago??

I guess I'm looking for re-assurance more than anything, but I'm hoping that it's nothing serious. I guess if it was, I'd have more definate symptoms that these:(:(

Any thoughts would be very welcome.

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08-05-06, 15:43
I know how you feel.

I will have 3 to 4 weeks of no sypmtoms then out of the blue I get dizzy and my hearts start racing, and the cycle begins. I start to worry that my blood pressure is low, or my sugar is acting up.. when it is all fine.

You will get through it.. it always passes.


08-05-06, 17:15
Hi Dan - the lightheadedness is probably down to tiredness if you've been busy and had a few late nights, I know when I'm tired I get lightheaded. Try taking things a bit slower and get some early nights to get youe energy back!
Love Helen

08-05-06, 17:18
Hi Dan

I suffer with the lighheadedness too particulalry when I am tired. If it is a blood sugar thing I have found that a supplement from Biotics Reasearch called Glucobalance has really helped with the sugar lows

Love N Light

Katie x

09-05-06, 08:43
Thanks for the messages, but this dizziness is really beginning to freak me out. I've been up for about an hour and a half and its hit me already. Its not alwas there, it sort of comes and goes. Do you think it could be a viral thing? I had a touch of ear-ache at the weekend too. I'm not doing so well in trying to stay calm [V][V]

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09-05-06, 09:34

Don't worry. It's likely to be just a viral thing - especially as you've said you had ear-ache - or just plain old anxiety. I have had the same thing on and off since November. Just a kind of light headed feeling which comes and goes. I find that if I am not thinking about it I don't notice it. I too didn't feel all that stressed when it began with me but apparently if you have had stressful or anxious times in the past they can catch up with you and cause these symptoms. Try not to worry about it - there are loads of us on here that have the same thing.

Take care

09-05-06, 14:44
Hay Dan, I get this on and off all the time. its usualy happens when i have been buisy on not had much sleep or indeed stress.

i tell myself that its not anxiaty as i dont feel worried or anxious. but thats the concious mind. sub conciously we could be thinking all sorts.. try to stay positive. do something fun with the wife. i always find laughter and some fun makes you forget.

09-05-06, 16:07

Thanks for all the words. As always it helps to know I'm not alone.

The thing is that a few weeks ago, I was thinking to myself, how silly I had been for almost convincing myself that I had been suffer ing with various differnt illnesses or disease and how I thought I really was making ground with my HA.

But now, I'm having these dizzy spells I'm starting to think all sorts of horrid thoughts....

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09-05-06, 16:11
I do the same thing!

I call it my spaced out feeling.. it happens almost every night at 7 or 8 for me. I think I am just tired by then so my mind just takes a break. I hope that makes sense.

I use to worry about it until I had a full panic attack everynight, now I just tell myself that it is my brain taking a break, and I watch something funny on TV and get my mind off of it.

Take care.

09-05-06, 18:50
Hello Dan
Hope you are feeling somewhat better by the time you read this reply to your post
I have found for many many years now that symps can disappear and then reappear without any rhyme or reason
I can get palps or skipped beats out of the blue even when I didnt feel anxious
I had the lightheadedness for a good long time and then it was " repalced" by cardiac symps and concerns
You are quite smart in saying that you dont want fear to breed more symps
That is what Claire Weekes speaks of in her books- the fear adrenaline fear cycle.
In the event you havent read her books do so.
Some may say she is outdated and hokey but I can assure you I have one with me at all times- they are a comfort
I think that even non anxious people get what we get in terms of ohysical sensations HOWEVER they dont respond in a fearful fashion thus it doesnt become an issue for them
Try and occupy yourself at such times with something to ground you to the here and now- counting the number of shoppers in line, math probs, heck even singing
Doing something physical may even help
Heck, I got the cleanest bathrooms around as a result of my anx times.
Best regards from across the pond,




" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

10-05-06, 15:06
AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! And now I've had the worst bout of nose-bleeds I have ever had. I had one on Monday evening, one last night and one this morning. Needless to say I was straight to the hospital. The doctor said I had probably caught something up there when I had been cleaning (she meant picking[:I]) it. They cortorised both sides, but said I had to take it easy as the doctor couldnt guarantee it wouldnt bleed again.

On the plus side, the doctor was really pretty!!

So needless to say I'm freaking out about why my nose has started doing this, I've never had bad nose bleeds before. You see all sorts on the TV relating to brain injury problems and nose bleeds.

But the doctor would have done more than tell me to keep an eye on it if she thought it was anything sinister, right??

Sorry to be so weak.

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10-05-06, 23:39
Hi, the ear nose and throat are all connected so if you felt you had a ear infection/virus that that may be why your nose is playing up. Dizziness is common in panic/anxiety but if you have had a ear infection your balance mechanism may just need to settle for a while. Getting tense is probably not helping either - Iread Claire Weekes book and it really helped me understand the nature of stress and anxiety symptoms!


'This too will pass'

13-05-06, 18:57
I get a dizzy head when I get stressed and I doesn't go away until I sleep it off or I listen to a relaxation tape to calm me down. It's like being drunk but not so nice. Try to relax.

13-05-06, 19:53
dan you know its nothing more serious, they are all classic signs of panic and the more you fear them the worse they will get

just ride with it mate


13-05-06, 20:39
thanks guys

its just really difficult to see things realistically when HA has its icy figers wrapped round you!!

im sure i'll be fine given a week or two.

thanks again for all your thoughts and posts.

(yipee!! no more nose bleeds yet!!)

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13-05-06, 23:11
I go through phases of feeling light-headedness and end up convincing myself that I must have something really wrong with me - actually that applies for any slight symptom I get! It's very easy to fall into "thinking more about the symptoms, symptoms get worse, thinking more about worsening symptoms, etc etc" so I can totally get where you're coming from.

It will go away in its own time. Most of the time, even when we think we're not experiencing anxiety or stress, it's usually there somewhere in the background.

Hope you're feeling better now.

"My cats keep me sane"