View Full Version : Anxiety is ruining my life completely

14-08-11, 10:30
I didn't know where else to turn so I came on here. I am sitting here crying my eyes out as my husband has just left me for 3 hours to go and get my new guinea pigs (birthday present) from Kent. He is taking my best friend with him so someone can look after the guinea pigs on the journey home. The thing is I couldn't go because of my anxiety and panic attacks. I am letting him down, it wasn't that long ago I would have gone along happily. Now I am sat here crying because it should be me going with him, jealous that my friend is going and worrying about him coming off the road somewhere. I don't know what to do anymore, my therapy is barely working, the GP isn't helping me at all and I just can't go on like this anymore.

14-08-11, 10:33
sounds ike you are having a bad time , are you on any medication ?

14-08-11, 10:35
No only Propranalol for my rapid heart rate but even then it doesn't always work. GP put me on Sertraline but had bad reactions to it and they haven't put me on anything else. Emergency GP put me on Diazapam short term when things were really bad and it helped but my GP won't give me any even though I have had a 3 month break more even maybe!! Just don't know what to do, don't think I have ever felt this depressed tbh

14-08-11, 11:29
Sorry to hear you are feeling panicy. I am going through a bit of a bad time at the moment. I have just started Citalopram they are good. Can I also suggest you buy the book by Claire Weekes Self help for your nerves it is really good. It was my birthday yesterday and my partner came to see me and took me out but god I had terrible butterflyes In my tummy I hate them but I must say I had a lovely day. A nice glass of red wine helped me lol. just one. Hope you feel better later when you see your present. Good luck

Cathy xx

14-08-11, 11:37
Thanks Cathy, sorry to hear your not having a good time either. Citalopram didn't make me feel any better when I tried them a couple of years ago, so glad they are working for you. Thank you for the book recommendation, problem I have is at the moment I have no attention span for reading or anything else, although I will try it.

Feel like I am relying on hubby too much for everything and I just don't know what to do. He has had to leave work to care for me now because I just can't manage on my own because of the constant panic attacks etc.


14-08-11, 12:12
Believe me you will be able to read it as when I was younger 22 I had anxiety and someone recommended it to me and I said the same thing as you but soon as I picked it up it was like my bible and it helped me to come out of my breakdown I never took any medication at all just the book helped me. I never suffered until now I am 58 now and just gone through a marriage breakup and a lot of other problems. So I am bit depressed. I forgot to mention I have just bought her other book Essential help for your nerves. Just started it the other day it looks to be a good help. As I said you will read it because it is about you and what you are going through. Good luck.

Cathy xx :yesyes: