View Full Version : Why do I feel like this? I'm so wobbly

14-08-11, 12:55
Hi everyone.

I'm kinda anxious at the moment. I'm feeling light headed, my legs feel like jelly and my hands and body feels shaky and jittery. Is this just anxiety? I haven't suffered with proper anx for a while cos my meds are really suited to me and settle my anx down heaps.
I have drank a fair bit this weekend, could it be that? On Friday night I had a few different cocktails and a fair amount of lager, then last night I drank 5 cans of lager.
I feel horrible, my stomach feels delicate too and it's setting me off cos I am thinking something terrible is happening. I'm trying to get on with my chores but I am finding it hard because of how weak my body feels and my hands are shaky.
I guess I have answered this already haven't I? It must be alcohol induced, it's that it doesn't normally do this to me. Reassurance please :weep:

14-08-11, 13:29
Hi Sho ..Yes it is the drink ..Get something to eat and drink lots of water ,its dehydration that causes a lot of the symptoms .Also orange juice is good for you ..Hope you feel better later .Just keep busy and have an early nite .t/c luv Sue xx:hugs:

14-08-11, 13:44
agree with Sue completely :hugs:
tis the alcohol and dehydration making you fragile . dont worry .......take Sues advice and you will feel so much better tomorrow . hangovers even if you dont think you have one ...... mimic anxiety so much . take care xx

14-08-11, 22:19
Thanks for the replies, I am feeling a little better now thank you. I should know better than to drink so much with the meds, my own worst enemy really.
I was just scared stiff and it made my anxiety shoot through the roof. I had a nice roast dinner and have had a few cans of coke and 2 pints of water, just let feeling tired now.
Thanks again :)
Kez xx