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14-08-11, 14:59
is a fear of vomiting / fear of getting diarrhoea classed as health anxiety?


14-08-11, 15:17
Hey Rachel,

I would say that a fear of vomiting and diarrhoea is definitely classed as health anxiety. Any fear or worry you have to do with any aspect of your health is counted as health anxiety. I hope you are feeling okay!

15-08-11, 21:45
im not to be honest! i don't have a fear that these things HARM my body, just a terrible fear that i will have to go through these ordeals in public places...?

im lost!!

18-08-11, 04:12
If it is affecting your life daily, and you are scared of these things occuring in public places, have a chat with your doctor. They should be able to give you statistics and information about how it can be harmful to excess, but that rarely is vomiting and diarrhoea directly harmful to your body unless it is happening 24/7. You might want to consider some counselling which can really help in reducing fears and anxieties. I had a phobia of allergic reactions, and basic counselling and help from my doctor really helped me to overcome those worries :)