View Full Version : for all ibs sufferers

14-08-11, 16:06
hi, i'm just hoping to get some perspective on my ibs symptoms as i am currently going through a prolonged flare up and my anxiety is sky high. So just want to ask some questions.

1. whats the longest flare up you've had?

2. Whats the most you've had to use the bathroom in one day?

3. How many of you experience incomplete evacuation?

4. How many of you have had thinner than normal stools?

5. How many of you find that mornings are the worst time for your ibs?

6. How many of you have almost constant pain/churning/wind in your stomach?

7. How many of you feel nauseas with a flare up?

8. How many of you worry about it being something more serious than ibs?

I'm totally at the end of my tether with this ibs/anxiety.

macc noodle
14-08-11, 16:10
count me in on all of the above honey!

i can also add extreme fatigue and severe stress over it - thus making it all worse and making a flare up worse than it needs to be!


14-08-11, 16:17
Yes me to I was just going to post about my ibs I'm at my wits end too,every month I'm getting symptoms and I've been like it months x

14-08-11, 16:45
thanks for the replies,

I've been going to the toilet up to 4 times a day lately and still feel like i need to go, i don't normally go in the late afternoon/evening and starts again in the morning. I don't know how much is in my mind, it seems every time i go for a pee i feel an urge to have a bm. I'm also needing to pee more frequently too, i have read that this can happen.

My first bm of the day is usually normal but the times after its softerand thinner, anybody else get this?

14-08-11, 17:41
Hi There
I have just read your post and all your symptoms
Do you take anything for your IBS
I have been suffering with mine for about 5 years and sometimes I go to the toilet about 5 times in a day but mine is worst in a morning
Also IBS is related to Stress and anxiety


14-08-11, 18:28
1. whats the longest flare up you've had? just on a week

2. Whats the most you've had to use the bathroom in one day? am IBS-C so hardly go the loo :weep:

3. How many of you experience incomplete evacuation? i get this feeling all the time when i do finally go the loo

4. How many of you have had thinner than normal stools? --

5. How many of you find that mornings are the worst time for your ibs? yes mornings are worse for me

6. How many of you have almost constant pain/churning/wind in your stomach? god if you could ask my bf he would say ALWAYS for me as i constantly suffer (like now) bad wind/ smelly wind/ nausea / spasms / pains

7. How many of you feel nauseas with a flare up? ALWAYS

8. How many of you worry about it being something more serious than ibs? i went my doctors weveryday and even sometimes twice a day

I'm totally at the end of my tether with this ibs/anxiety.(me2)

14-08-11, 20:03
hi, i don't take anything for my ibs. I have in the past but did'nt find it to be much good.

I know its a vicious circle, the more anxious i am over the ibs the worse it becomes. I start stressing over it the minute i open my eyes.

I was just hoping that there would others with the same symptoms to put my mind at rest.

14-08-11, 21:33
hi, i don't take anything for my ibs. I have in the past but did'nt find it to be much good.

I know its a vicious circle, the more anxious i am over the ibs the worse it becomes. I start stressing over it the minute i open my eyes.

I was just hoping that there would others with the same symptoms to put my mind at rest.

What symptoms are you having x

14-08-11, 21:51
pretty much all the symptoms i put in my first post, all to varying degrees. This all started a few weeks back when my anxiety started over another reason. Since then i've had these problems. Gp and cbt therapist say its the anxiety making things worse.

I've had ibs for over 20 years now but really stressing over this flare up. I was'nt eating properly for a few weeks because of the anxiety so that would'nt have helped i suppose.

14-08-11, 22:44
God am the same as that's how mine all started my anxiety was bad and I lost my appetite for a while and just couldn't eat and then I started getting belly troubles :( never been the same sine..
The past few dayys have been ok but tonight I look a few months pregnant and have wind moving all round belly/ gurgling noises/ rumbling sounds :( I get this all around my belly button downwards :(

15-08-11, 15:08
me i can have all of the above it makes me miserable and fed up x

15-08-11, 19:26
hi bronte,

How long have you had ibs for? I don't normally get such prolonged attacks and this is making my anxiety spiral out of control. I am aving normal bm too, nt always thin stools.

Today has been better, only been twice but they were a bit thin. So tired of it.