View Full Version : I am new and wanting to share experiences and any friendly advice be good.

14-08-11, 16:19
Like all of you I can relate parts of what you are all going through. I saw a Therapist 11 years ago for a life changing event and was being treated for anxiety and depression at the time. Like most of you it has been on and off between months and years but I have managed to cope and bring myself back to normality - well thats what I think i did but Im not sure now.
The last few months have got worse and the last 3 weeks its worst yet. I would like to run but am trapped. I have a daughter to support and now its effecting my daily working life and am struggling to complete a 5 day working week - i managed 2 and half days of work last week and was exhausted. Just feel like i am going mad. I went to the doc on fri and see him again next wed. I have got to phone to see a therapist and I am looking for some remedy to help me but there are so many to choose from - I dont know which one to go for. Any advice as I need something to help me through the day.

I am 33, a fulltime worker and live with my 13 year old daughter down on the south coast.

I have a friend who is being supportive but dont want to burden her to much so thought this would be a way of talking to people and sharing thoughts and experiences. Ive never done this forum stuff before.

Take care all.

14-08-11, 16:20
Hi KX501

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-08-11, 00:39
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


15-08-11, 00:57
Welcome. You will find this a great place for advice and support.

15-08-11, 02:06
Hi and welcome to the site ! its a great place to be, your from the south coast :D one of my favourite places to be ! it caters for all sorts down there :D

15-08-11, 13:15
Welcome to the site.
I hope you find it as helpful as I have. We're all in the same boat here so you'll get lots of understanding & make some friends too!

Emily xxx

15-08-11, 15:38
Hi, Ive only recently joined but there are lots of friendly people and its nice just to not feel so alone. I find it very difficult to cope with too many things at once, I think it is the pressure (in my head) of trying to do everything perfectly! I try and take things slower and do one thing at a time! Talking on here Im sure will help
Linda x

16-08-11, 01:29
Thankyou everyone for all your kind messages. Its good to not be alone xxxx:winks: