View Full Version : Im really scared , im sorry :(

14-08-11, 20:06
I went to the out of hours doctor yesterday, and she checked my blood pressure through my top on my right arm and said that was alright, and then she listened to my heart and breathing through my top aswell and said that was ok. Didn't check out any of my lumps or concerns i had. Just ruled it out as anxiety as usual.. :( She told me to take kalms (then read on the box not recommended for under 18's) Ive taken two this morning and last night and it says to take two 3 times a day.. Should itake these? :( They did seem to help actually though, but im only 16.

I have been getting funny coloured nails today, like bright white at the cuticals and then bright red at the tips, my skin has gone a grey colour, my vains have all suddenly appeared, and ive got occasional chest pain and left arm pain down my middle finger with freezing cold arms to touch. Im sure im having some kind of trouble with my heart or im dying. It hurt to breathe in and ive had a horrible painful cough for a few days now, which has concered me into thinking ive damaged my body through coughing. ive got a lump in my ear which doctors seem to think is nothing but could be related to a bleed to the brain.

I really want to go back to the doctor tomorrow, but i know she will get so annoyed with me. Im so alone, im not even sure if ill make it to tomorrow. I can't stop crying, please help me, ive been trying so so hard to get over this! :'(

All ive got in the cuboards to eat is a pack of noodles and all ive eaten today is 4 crackers and a rocky chocolate bar, im so worried as im not getting enough nutrition for a few days now and have already lost weight. I am currently on Ranitidine for my stomach acid and possible ulcer.. :'( And im scared to take the Kalms incase i have an overdose as im only 16 and it says to take them when your 18 but the doctor told me to take them and we bought them from a shop. Ive already taken two today and i want to take two more, also they are herbal do you think they would react to the ranitidine? As i have to take them at the same sort of times, and is it safe to take the Kalms near bed time?

Thankyou for reading my annoying long post and im so sorry :'(

anx mum
14-08-11, 20:21
U will be ok hun bk in jan i was the same plz believe me. U do need lots of support and u will get that on here. R ur family supportive?

14-08-11, 20:24
They are very supportive, but its hard because i don't like talking to them about it as it upsets them and depresses and stresses them out :(

anx mum
14-08-11, 20:41
The doctor should be more helpful maybe councilling or cbt would help u?

14-08-11, 21:52
your doctor should not be annoyed with you for going - what you have is a real problem and is affecting your life. Make sure if you do go though, that you make it count and tell them all your concerns and ask about the Kalms and maybe also like Anx mum says maybe ask about some sort of a talking therapy so that you have someone to discuss your concerns with.

Hope you are soon feeling better. This is such an awful illness isn't it.


14-08-11, 21:56
duke ....did she actually say that the lump in your ear could be related to a bleed??.....

14-08-11, 22:06
Hiya. I know how you feel when it's like you get all the symptoms at once and it's so scary all the things you could have. I would say NEVER feel like you cant go to the GP that is what they are there for, they get paid to do a job and that's what they should do. Health anxiety is just as serious a problem as anything, it affects us everyday and needs to be treated, but if you really feel like the doctor is overlooking something or doesn't have time for you go to the hospital and just explain to them the situation. If you don't mind me asking why is there no food in for you to eat? My partner tells me I get especially anxious when I haven't eaten properly.
I know what you mean about family too, they can be the best most understanding people but it doesn't stop you feeling like a burden, I started with anxiety problems when I was just 10 years old but didn't tell my Mum until I was 17 because I didn't want to trouble her with it. Whereabouts do you live?? xxx

14-08-11, 22:07
Does one of your parents go to the dr. with you to help answer and ask questions. I know it isn't easy when by yourself and already anxious.