View Full Version : Doctors

14-08-11, 20:57
I have had a lot of health issues over the last couple of months. I have a chronic pelvic pain condition which I am being treated for and have had a good couple of cold viruses on top as well as an abcess that I will need surgury on at some point.

I feel like I have constantly been at the doctors. I am finding that I am actually getting scared to go to the doctors as I think they are thinking that I am going to much. They havent said anything its just the way my brain is at the moment.

I am sick of feeling ill. One positive thing I have done for health is to stop smoking. Its only been a week so far so I am just taking one day at a time with it.

I do get health anxiety in general where I fear that each symptom is something terrible and that I will get so ill that if I dont rush to the doctors with anything (even if its mild) then it could get worse and I won't cope or end up seriously ill or with a terrible disease.

14-08-11, 21:02
Hi Hun

i am totally the same and know where your coming from. All the receptionists know me on first name terms now and when attending or making appointments they dont have to ask my name.. :blush:

Just want to send you massive hugs and let you know your not alone :)


14-08-11, 23:05
Thank you, I have often said that I just need to move into the doctors!! :blush:

15-08-11, 01:52
my doctors have just got this computerised check in system so i dont even have to speak to the receptionist when i arrive! if i do have to speak to them i think they are thinking "oh god him again" in reality im sure she is very nice! (but i avoid her all the same)

15-08-11, 10:03
Lol I wish I could just book a doctors appointment without calling the receptionists! I might ask if they have an online booking system?

I have relented and am going back to the doctor tomorrow. I have had an inflammed ear for ages and it is not getting better even with the ear spray. I did keep stopping and starting the spray due to thinking I was better after a few days at a time. The doctor just said to use it until the pain went. The earache comes and goes so I am never sure. I think I need something better or more structured advice so I know how long I am to continue the medicine.

15-08-11, 11:46
Its my second home too, we have a checking in system too when we arrive, but its right next too reception, went today and the lady looked over as if to say "here again" :roflmao:

15-08-11, 13:42
What didn't help me was that I worked at a Drs and believe me I kept my health anxiety very secret, there was one patient a man who obviously to me had bad health anxiety and he would visit at least once a week. He always paid for tests privately so other than the Drs time he wasn't costing the nhs much but the practise manager used to say dreadful things about him. I once said that he probably had a form of mental illness with the severe anxiety and she was not at all sympathetic. I used to make up for her attitude by being very nice to him when I was working the desk but it did make me even more embarrased about my own health anxiety!

I think in any Drs you will get a mixture of the sympathetic and the likes of my practise manager and you can tell which is which by their manner!