View Full Version : Sweating

14-08-11, 21:14
For a while naw specaily in bed i get so hot my misses wont cuddle me as i have clamy skin i spend half the night out side the covers on top of this on and offi get burning skin like as if its sore this moves around and dont stay in one place ive recently had a bad throat feeling like a have a ball of flem stuck there making me heave am i ill or is this another roller coaster ride from anxiety look forward to your replys my mises calls me a hypicondriact becouse everyday there is somethingelse wrong with me :(

14-08-11, 22:49
I've noticed since starting on Citalopram my temperature has increased, especially at night. I used to have several covers and blankets over my duvet at night but now I sleep in shorts and vest tops and lie on top of the covers. During the day I find myself wearing sleevless tops as I'm so warm, which is so unusual for me - my friends used to joke that I was a cold blooded animal not a human being as I was always cold.

As for the sweating, I find I can walk up the stairs and feel clammy - I dread warm days as it just adds fuel to the fire! It can be quite embarrassing, and like your partner mine has noticed how warm I am in bed and he often says I feel clammy (polite word instead of sweaty I think!).

Anxiety can cause all sorts of random and unpleasant issues.

15-08-11, 03:48
Men in general seem to sweat in bed, some worse than others,
Make sure to drink water to stay hydrated

15-08-11, 04:04
hmmm,I didnt know that Mishel....Maybe I do and dont know it. My wife gers very very hot at night and has to go out of the covers and tosses and turns keeping me awake.Sorry about your situtation Shackel ,wish there was something I could say to help and I get the hypocondriac thing from the wife too. Says I have something new everyday like your wife says to you.Its a little dishearting...

15-08-11, 12:33
I get night sweats alot, the doctor told me it is aside effect of escitalopram...
At first i thought it was lymphoma but tests revealed it was not, so now i just have to endure being warm in bed!!:)