View Full Version : New anxiety sufferer here!

14-08-11, 21:31
Hi people :)

Currently suffering from massive anxiety which began a few months ago during my final year university exams (horrible timing!). Firstly began with IBS symptoms, then nausea, then heart palpitations, then came lots of aches and pains throughout my body along with a load of other things, fatigue, lack of concentration, paleness and more! Went to the docs and had all the blood tests with nothing found except for a low b12 (197), I've read up on b12 since and am taking 3000mcg sublingual daily and most of the horrible things have gone (tiredness, cconcentration, nausea) but I'm left with anxiety and aches and pains - which apparently take a while to heal if they're due to b12 deficiency, however these just fuel my anxiety which I'm afraid is making everything worse... I keep thinking there's something really wrong with me but my doctors are sure it's just b12 and anxiety symptoms... Just want to feel normal again!

Anywho, that's my bit done!
Thanks for reading :)

14-08-11, 21:37
Hi Pika

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-08-11, 00:38
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


15-08-11, 13:21
Hi Pika,

Welcome to the site.

If you have had bloodtests done then I am sure if there was something seriously wrong it would have been picked up. Anxiety is a horrible thing & it does take time to get better. Don't give up, it can be beaten.

Emily xxx

15-08-11, 13:37
Thanks Emily :) anxiety is such a horrible thing! Xxx

15-08-11, 14:51

Hi. I'm new to the site too! Re your post - that could have been written by me 20 years ago when I was doing my final exams... Anxiety is awful and can have terrible physical effects like that. At the time, I had IBS, major health anxiety, terrible insomnia, the works. But you get through it, really. With me it served some purpose - I really studied hard (finally) for the last few months and it paid off, I came out with a good degree. I'm sure you will too! Chances are that there is nothing seriously or physically wrong. It feels awful, I know, but it does pass. You'll get through it. Take care, and good luck.

15-08-11, 15:03
Thank you! That's reassured me :) I've ended up with a good degree but wish i wasn't left with all this anxiety, just want it to go away! But i'm sure, with time, it will!

15-08-11, 16:14
You should be proud of yourself with regards to your degree!!!
You will learn to manage your anxiety I promise xxx