View Full Version : Need help

14-08-11, 22:24
Hi im new, ive had enough and dont no where to turn to so hopefully you lot that no how i feel can help, no1else seems to understand.
ive had panic and anxiet attacks for 9 years now through my whole teenage years and its really affected and ruind my life, i want a job so bad but i just cant, i want that chance to live my life but i cant, i asked my bf for a couple of quid today and he replied with GET YOUR OWN MONEY GET A JOB, same as my mum she allways pesterd me saying get a job or go to college, ive tried to hard to conqure this all but im so stuck and so fed up of no1 understanding my life and me, it gets me really down and depressed whenever the words get a job come along, sometimes it makes me just want to end my life its that bad..
all im after now is abit of advice so anyone with these attacks please reply

14-08-11, 23:25

Hey hugs to you we can all understand how bad anxiety and panic attacks are. I do have a job but it doesnt stop me from worrying that my anxiety might get so bad that I cannot work.

I think the best thing for you to do is get some counselling. You need someone to talk to and to develop some techniques for dealing with panic attacks.

I have felt that I wanted to end my life, I sometimes do not know what keeps me going. I do think its thinking of loved ones. I have even rang the Samaritans when I have been feeling very bad and I did find they helped.

You will one day be able to work or go to college, you just need some help first to build your confidence.

17-08-11, 08:17
Joey you are not alone or different.

If you want to chat about it try the chat room where you will meet really helpful people or send pms to those that reply to this thread.

Talking to fellow sufferers can help you a lot.