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14-08-11, 22:29
Might sound stupid but I've been so scared to take my 10mg pill so I cut it in half to my horror I had the bigger half :( but I'm rele proud of myself for even takin it cuz I was ina state the last few days was panicy at 1st now I dnt feel as bad, thanks to someone on here called Yorkman don't think I could have even tried without him thanks a lot xx

14-08-11, 23:21
Well done Lea, I is very scary taking new meds.

14-08-11, 23:25
Ikno been freakin out the las week but im realy proud , iknow its only half of one but its a real big step for me :)

14-08-11, 23:34
I was just the same when I started taking Cit. It just that I couldn't face the thought of having side effects on top of the anxiety symptoms. You will be fine.

15-08-11, 00:14
Yeah! I didn't want that + I was scared of being alergic to it, but the reaction would have come by now anyway so that's ok! How are you with ur sit? What's ur dose? X

15-08-11, 00:53
I am ok now on Cit. I am on 40 mg started on 20 ended up on 50 and now trying to reduce.

15-08-11, 10:32
Well done Lea, how are you feeling today? I read your threads when you were too scared and didn't know what to say as I'm too scared (make that petrified) to take it myself. It's not stupid, it takes courage to do something you're scared of. x

15-08-11, 10:40
Well done, hope you're feeling ok

15-08-11, 16:23
I feel okay, I paniced at first felt like I wore breathin and stuff, but all day I'vxe felt way to tired then normal :( I have no energy at all is this normal does anyone know? Xxxx

15-08-11, 16:30
you shouldnt have any real affects after 10mg. maybe you were really tired anyway?

15-08-11, 16:34
Maybe hopefully cuz now I'm worrying :( lol

15-08-11, 16:52
No need to worry. Try and relax. Try and get a good rest tonight.