View Full Version : Faint Pulse? Low blood pressure?

14-08-11, 22:32
For the last few weeks I have noticed that my veins dont look as full of blood as they use to when I was younger. Its odd cause mostpeople on here complain that their veins stick out. Now under my eyes my veins stick out but in my arms and legs they dont show as much as they used to and also when I take my pulse the beat seems faint where it used to feel really hard and strong.Im not sure exactly what this means. Is my hert not doing its job or am I just imagining a fainter pulse ? or is there really a problem? I dont seem to have other symptoms of low blood pressure like blue hands or cold skin or dizziness or none of the symptoms. Anyoneelse notice a faint pulse too?

14-08-11, 22:35
I used to analyse pulse strength! I panic when it's strong and when it's weak so now I'd I do have to take it, I'll use my Cataroid pulse which is usually bursting out of my neck!

14-08-11, 22:37
:) yeah maybe im looking at it too much but it seems it used to be harder before.

15-08-11, 01:43
Maybe you need glasses to see ya veins Michael :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:Here:

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8YYv-goa_6PCjrymBPDiA3f2CAgf88kxE48ev5ttRS6KDhQYw:bighu g1::bighug1:

15-08-11, 01:47
Thats cute Els:D:hugs: