View Full Version : just brushed teeth and lots of blood

14-08-11, 22:37
I know i neglect my teeth- some days are so bad for i honestly fall asleep and forgot to do them all day. anyway normally i do them mid afternoon cause i normally go out in the afternoons. just done them now and the toothpaste was all blood :'(.
i dont want to deal with pain and its making me all anxious. on top of this i forgot to take a tooth brush round my friends yesterday so couldnt do them there.

14-08-11, 22:41
my teeth are a huge worry to me- not cause i worry im ill but cause i i dont want them to rot. im scared of whats happening. did i get a load of blood as i missed yerstday? sometimes it can get to 11pm b4 i remember my teeth as im so focused on other things but what ever time it is i normally get one brush in a day. i did them when i got back from friend this afternoon- only a speck of blood. just did them now and it was all pure red blood. im freaking out

14-08-11, 22:43
i will make my mum aware of this tommorow morning though and see what she thinks about it- but i wanted an early night- now this :(

14-08-11, 22:44
i cant deal with pain- im so scared. do i go to the dentist as soon as possible? x:S

14-08-11, 22:45
Are you brushing too hard? A soft bristle brush is best.
Check with your dentist. You may just need a nice cleaning and check up. :-)

14-08-11, 22:47
My teeth bleed from time to time when brushing but I haven't got gum disease or anything. I wouldn't be concerned, if it continued to be a frequent occurrence then perhaps make an appointment with your dentist. Maybe if you're particulary anxious about your teeth you brush them a little too hard and the bleeding is just in response to that? Take care and try get a good night's sleep x

14-08-11, 22:52
thanks. i think after i noticed the blood i went a bit harder yes in anger and frustration lol. im telling my self "i will not keep my self up past 11 because of this" i think i will tell mum see how it goes and maybe make an app if it carries on this time in a week.
i hate that anxiety stops me functioning and being normal- my mornings are basically wiped out by sleep as im so exhausted. I need to be back at college- in a routine and its a distraction to lol x :)

14-08-11, 22:56
Don't panic hun, I get it. My dentist said it was plaque and that I needed to keep brushing.

Definitely try to get in two brushes a day as this will help. If you find you are forgetting then maybe set a reminder on your mobile phone. Also get yourself a good mouthwash, this will also do your teeth good.

How long ago did you have your last check up? If its been over 6 months then get one anyway. If its been less then 6 months then I would just increase my brushing to see if this helped and use a mouthwash.

I know its easier said than done but dont panic, its nothing that cannot be fixed.

As I said I get the blood and I brush twice a day, its just that plague can build up anyway over time. I'm going to try the mouthwash as well to see if that helps me. My last check up with the dentist was ok, my teeth are not rotting away so please dont think yours are.

14-08-11, 23:00
thanks. my mum told me tooth decay doesnt happen over night- i had a check up err maybe two months ago? i think lol. no longer than 3 anyway. i remember saying then i had a bit of bloody, brush more he said, so gonna have to remember.
its not that im scared of being ill- i have a phobia of pain to lol. My mum has listerine? Sometimes i use a bit of it- othertimes i dont.

14-08-11, 23:07
Yeah just increase the brushing and use the mouthwash, Listerine is a good one. Your due for a check up in 3/4 months anyway so you'll be fine

15-08-11, 08:33
Never brush too hard.

A gentle soft brushing at least twice a day is better than a hard brushing just once.

Regular consultations with the Dentist and a good mouthwash including flossing will keep your teeth in good order.

Corsodyl mouthwash is particularly for bleeding gums.


15-08-11, 16:13
thanks. brushed lightly a few hours ago and NO blood! guess it was just built up plaque as i missed a day x

15-08-11, 23:46
just brushed again and the paste was all a light red when i spat it out. its not like ive neglected them. just brusedh them as funny times and not as well as i should. i used mouthwash and ive never had such a stinging pain from it before. one gum was stinging so badly. im litreally shaking scared of pain

Deepest Blue
16-08-11, 00:22
Hi Emma,

This might be a silly question but are you brushing them maybe too often to see if the bleeding still occurred? I've done this before and not given the skin a chance to heal. The skin around your teeth is very fragile and prone to bleeding anyway. I think maybe for a while at least continue to brush lightly more than normal so that your skin strengthens up again around that area.

Hope you feel better soon,

Take care x

16-08-11, 08:25
Does the bleeding come from just one area or does it alternate from different gums?

How many times are you brushing per day? It could be that some of your gums are inflamed and need time to heal if there is a small infection.

Perhaps a call to your dentist would be a good idea if you're worried.


16-08-11, 11:06
Thank you. I think it comes from one area but im not to sure. I do have sinus pain a lot for months could it be related to that? it did sting on one part of gum last night. i notice that my two front teeth proberly are the ones brushed the least.

16-08-11, 11:45
Well then it could just be a slight infection or inflammation in that area.

Some mouthwashes are particulary strong on the gums if they contain alcohol and the fact that you experienced some stinging sensation then that could be why.

As I said, a call to your dentist may put your mind at rest.


16-08-11, 13:23
Thanks. Just booked dental app for next wednesday. its one part of gum that stings and hurts at the front above one tooth- just hope the pain doesnt get to bad by next week :) just brushed teeth now and that part stung again.

16-08-11, 13:25
i just took a look at the area and it looks red and scratched- its a tiny little area.

16-08-11, 13:32
also really hurts to press aginst teeth around that area. if gum disease/decay is caught early what is the treatmeant?

16-08-11, 13:33
Dont think it's too much to worry about.
Perhaps avoid that area next time you brush or rinse with some salt water every 4 hours may help to heal it.

16-08-11, 13:35
Thanks. Proberly just a little scracth i hope. Will try the salt water. how much salt do you put in? booked app just for piece of mind incase it is something which needs sorting. rather catch it early. i think at the moment im more scared of infection than anything

16-08-11, 14:54
Perhaps a t-spoon in a small glass of warm water. You won't be swallowing it anyway.

Funny enough I have just returned from a dentist app. I go every 3 months because I have overcrowding and I figure it's easier for the dentist to get to the hard to reach places than me. However, I've been getting bleeding in one gum below the tooth everytime I eat cheese believe it or not. The dentist just said it was more than likely plaque even though I have them scaled and polished every 3 months. He wasn't concerned at all about it.

Flossing is just as important as brushing, especially if they bleed.

21-08-11, 22:58
Thanks> been doing the salt water. noticed certain areas of gums hurt quite bad. very worried about it as i have sinus pains to

21-08-11, 22:59
I brush once in the morning/lunch time/early afternoon b4 i go out or get up and once about this sort of time. this time i did it again paste came out red. im scared of wednesday- scared of being told i have decay :(