View Full Version : ANYONE ELSE

08-05-06, 18:59
Does anyone else feel that when they get up they are all hot and bothered and just cant carry on and like ur eyes are strained to focus. I see floaters all the time when im outside and it worries me that something on my brain is wrong. anyone else feel out of focus?

its just a wierd feeling and i find myself getting hot and bothered.

and im still finding mornings unbearable.

i also somtimes get pains on different sides of my head but is or could this be due to my period. (sorry men to mention that)


08-05-06, 19:04
You might just be getting a touch of migraine. If you get headaches with visual disturbances, that could well be a classic migraine. But then could just be plain and simple anxiety!

Shiv x

08-05-06, 20:17
katy this isnt one i have but i do know that one of my friends suffer badely with this when her anxiety is bad

i hope this helps


existential crisis
08-05-06, 20:46
Katy - Floaters are totally normal and as far as I'm aware, nothing to do with anxiety. But of course when you are anxious, you will notice them more. As for feeling hot and bothered and being due on your period - I hear you there! I'm awful when I'm due on! xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

08-05-06, 20:57
Very common

Try these...
FLOATERS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2211)
Floaters (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4556)


marie ross
09-05-06, 01:02
hi katie,

I get these floaters all the time (only since i started with panic disorder, funny that!!). Sometimes i find it hard to focus and have been to the opticians many times complaining of it, only to be told that i have 20/20 vision. So i've put it down to YET another symtom of anxiety. As for mornings, i hate them when i do eventually get to sleep its time to get up again, and thats when the sickness and anxiety kick in, but i know one day i will wake up and look forward to the day ahead instead of dreading it.

Marie XXX